The tender surrender

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(me casually stealing casps title)


tw: aftermath of r/pe and kidnapping

collab w EliLover1

“This one!” Gwen barked, she pointed to that small house with the broken mailbox. It was the presumed house that was rumored that nobody walked in or out of. Or that it was haunted. 

“That one? Are you sure?” Finney replied at her heavy breaths. They dropped their bikes and they went clattering to the street side. Finney was unsure. He was taunted to think that this was a crack house, or a place to swap graffiti. But Gwen had replied with a nod and a following. “Yes”

They didn't want to get any closer to the door, maybe they feared that the bullies gang was in there. Instead, they looked around the house to see if they could find anything to help them find Robin. 

As they looked around the house, Gwen noticed a small window below the house. "Hey Finney, come look at this," Gwen said, bending down to look at the window.

Finney wiped sweat from his forehead and went over and leant down. It was a little window, around two feet covered in moss, vines and anything that Finney would rather not touch. But Gwen was all in. She started to tear away at the moss at the window and pull the chunks of vine away. 

When she pulled everything away so that she could see what was inside, she saw someone. He was rather concerned at the sight of someone being in that house but listened as Finney sucked in a breath. The breath of a scream.

It was Robin. Gwen couldn't tell at first but Finney was quick to realize that the person in there was Robin. Finney kicked at the window as Gwen fumbled. “Finney! Finney! The glass is too thick, stop it!“ she called as she pulled him back from the window. 

"We need to call the police!" Finney shouted as he was all of a sudden tearing at those vines now. His hands were dirtied, raw and sure to bleed. But he could care less. “Call the police Gwen! Go!” He kicked as he bent down to get more access to the window. To see that person lying on the mattress. He was alive. For sure. But Finney needed to see him sooner, quicker. Gwen was at the neighbors in no time to get them to call. 

The cops were quick at the word of the kidnapped boy of Denver - and on the grass running to where Finney was still sitting. “You said he’s here?” An officer spoke. Finney was too shaken to answer. So Gwen went ahead and answered for him. 

"Yes, he's in here." Gwen said. "Okay, I'm going to need you guys to wait in front of the house so we can look in the house." The officer said, looking over to the front of the house where he wanted Gwen and Finney to go. Gwen pulled Finney up by the arm. He kept his eyes on the window until it was out of sight and he was on the porch. 

“I need a cigarette,” said Finney. “I thought you quit a year ago.” Gwen sighed as she leaned against the beam of the porch, Finney sat on the steps. “I never confirmed or denied.” Finney barked back.

"They're going to find him, Finney," Gwen assured sitting on the steps next to Finney. "Yeah, and when they do I'm going to beat who's ever ass kidnapped him." Finney snapped as he gave a cold gaze to the house across the road. "Finney seriously calm down!" Gwen shouted looking straight at Finney.

"I am calm." Finny sighed looking down at his shaky hands. Gwen shrugged. “Sure.” She said as she leant back. 

Gwen only turned as someone was pulled out of the house, only for Finney to jump and turn. It was only a flash before Finney had taken Denver’s famously kidnapped boy into his arms. Gwen stood in shock. But went in to hug for a brief moment before letting the two reunite themselves. 

They had drowned out the yells of officers and the grabber in the house as they were buried in each other's embrace, they held each other until they were forced to separate. 

Gwen followed behind as they were led to arriving ambulances and placed in the back. Warm, fresh Towels wrapped around their shoulders as it was getting emotional. The weather seemed to cry with them as it began to rain. They leant on each other. Finney's head on robin's shoulder. - arms wrapped around the No longer missing boy. 

Robin turned to press kisses to his forehead as the other cried. Simple things in Spanish before he was quickly pulled out of his emotional reunion to talk to the officers. 


“Yeah it’s the kids belt” the grabber kicked as he was pulled out of the house and shoved into the car, and Finney could feel Robin tense up. “What did he do?” The police asked and Robin looked down at their intertwined hands. 

“He did it, he raped me."


a/n: no bc why did it take us over an hour to write this...

word count: 874

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