Chapter 1:The Move

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(Quick Authors note:I can't reply to comments so please don't think I'm ignoring any support for this shitty book.I appreciate all of support this book will get!)

Moving too a new school can be terrifying for multiple reasons;

1.You're not familiar with the buildings lay out

2.You basically know nobody there unless your family or friends go to that school as well

3.You know none of the teachers there

Those reasons are why Finley Wright hates the idea of moving schools.He's doing well in the school he's in now so why on earth did he have to move?Besides it's pointless moving since he's already in year 11.Well when he enters this new school he'll be in year 11 so technically he's in year 10 still but that's not the point.

Finley huffs in annoyance as he packs the last of his clothes into a box.The worst part about moving in his opinion is the packing everything in boxes part,he should know since this is the third time they've had to move.First time they moved was away from his alcoholic dad that nearly became abusive.Second they had to move was because their house was going to be demolished by some rich company that had bought the land.The only reason they were moving was because his mom,Anya Wright,had been offered a well paying job three hours away from their current home.Thankfully she had managed to find an affordable house only 20 minutes away from the place before the job offer was given to somebody else.

The wooden door's hinges gave a loud 'creeeek' that alerted Finley that somebody was entering,it was his mom.She looked tired and worn out from moving all of those boxes into the moving lorry."Hello sweetie" she says.

In all honesty,Anya Wright looks younger than 37.Soft and smooth skin that almost glows in the sunlight,beautiful dark brown hair that falls just past half way down her back with dark green eyes that you could stare at for hours on end.She wore a simple white tank top,denim jeans and black trainers.Honestly this woman has been mistaken for being a teenage mom and she really can't decide if it's a bad or good thing.She's just summed it up to be both in different ways.

"Hi mom," Finley replies as he struggles to shove a hoodie into the basically full box of his clothes.After wrestling with the pieces of fabric and the little space left,he managed to shut the box and keep it like that before putting a thick piece of tape over the top.That was a lot harder than it need to be."The moving truck will be here in about ten minutes so make sure every box is downstairs," his mom reminds him and gets a mumble of 'A bit of fucking help would be nice'.The teenager looks at his mom and quickly apologises,praying to God that he doesnt't get an ass beating later on.Even if he doesn't believe in God."Watch your language!" Anya snaps before walking into the room and grabbing one of the biggest boxes in the room and taking it downstairs.Finley grabbed a box himself and nearly broke his neck trying to take it downstairs but he managed to catch himself.

This repeated for 7 minutes,leaving them 3 minutes until the moving lorry arrived.The lorry would carry the last of the furniture with all of the boxes and drive to the new house which is nearly fully decorated with the help of some of Anya's friends in the local area.Having friends near by is always helpful,unfortunately none of those friends Finley's age so he has literally no friends in the area or his new school.

Finally the moving lorry arrive and the two men helped put everything in while Finley just waited in the car for about 15 minutes.It was a very boring wait plus he had a three hour drive to suffer through.He'd probably just be asleep for the entire trip while his mom was on the phone to her friends to keep her company.

The car door slammed shut,almost giving poor Finley a heart attack and his mom something to laugh."We'll be at our new house in three hours," Anya started up the car,pulling out of the drive way and onto the road effortlessly.The lorry set off in front and his mom followed after.

"This is going to be one long and boring drives," Finley thought to himself as he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off into a peaceful nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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