Chapter Two

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It's the first day of summer & unlike other kids I wasn't happy about it. I would be stuck in the house all day by myself because both of my parents worked first shift. No one could come over & I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't cook anything because my mom thought I would burn down the house so chips would be my daily meal. My phone rings & it's my mom. I sigh before answering.
Me: Hello?

Mom: Are you up?

This made me mad I couldn't even get a hello, it was always a rude question when I answered my phone.
Me: Yeah

Mom: okay well clean up & don't go no where & don't let no one in my house, if you do I'll find out.

The funny thing about that was she would never find out anything that I do because I live in a white neighborhood full of old people so if I was to break the rules I'll never get caught.

Me: I won't

Mom: okay you better not, but I'm about to get off my break I got to go.

I sigh & throw my phone on my bed & shake my head. I really wish I had different parents because mine are just rude. My Dad should have just left me & my mom. He doesn't talk to me at all, I don't even call him by dad, matter of fact I don't call his name at all. We'll ignore each other like we're not even in each other's presence. It's like I somewhat hate him because I see everyone else & their dads having fun & mine is just a true asshole. But it's okay I only have four more years in this house. I have became depressed living in this house & right now talking to a councillor would be great.

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