The start The middle The end

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Namjoons pov

Me and Yoongi where laying on the couch when we see Jungkook walk down the stairs with tears streaming down his face.

"Hey Kookie what's wrong was it that dream again?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook nodded.

"Awk I'm sorry baby I wish there was a way that we could stop them from coming" I said and Jungkook just walked over and lay down beside Yoongi.

"I-It's just I-I don't t want you guys to die I know we are all planning to on our honeymoon so we all die together but I just don't like the thought of that now" Jungkook said as he hugged Yoongi.

"I know baby I know" I said as I ran my hand through Jungkook's hair.

"But why did I have to fake my death I wad completely fine why did I have to cough up all that blood and why did we have to hire all of the actors?" Jungkook asked and I just sighed.

"Kookie you know why I don't wanna have to explain again" I said.

"I know but how come the only legit death had to be the kids why Namjoon they were me only hope and my reason the live on" Jungkook said I didn't answer him I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry baby I swear if I knew how to revive them I would I promise" I said.

Thats when we heard really loud snoring so we both looked at Yoongi.

Jesus that man is really loud in all way's possible.

"Why does he have to be so loud when it comes to everything?" Jungkook asked and we both giggled like high school girls.

"Shut up would yous im trying to sleep" Yoongi said and we laughed.

"Well honey your really loud when you snore but its ok cuz your really loud no matter what you do like you sound like an elephant when you walk down the stairs" I said and I swear for a split second Yoongi saw red so me and Jungkook got up and ran with Yoongi running after us.

Let's just say that me and Jungkook ran upstairs and hid in our bedroom waiting on Yoongi.

Once Yoongi walked into the room we pounced on him like cats.

Let's just say the kook got an upgrade he is no longer the bottom in the relationship WOOP WOOP.
The next day

"Psst Kook wake up" I whispered as I gently shook Jungkook.

"Wake your ass up" I said a bit louder being careful not to wake up Yoongi in the process Poe boy hardly got any sleep last night.

"What is it Namjoon I'm up" he said to me.

"Good to know that you are up now come on we need to make something to eat" I said walking over to his side of the bed and pulling him up and dragging home down stairs.

While we were cooking food well more like me watching Jungkook cook. I see the mint green hair with black roots running over to us.

"Oh my goodness you guys scared me when I woke up and saw that yous were not beside me I thought you both died without me!" Yoongi said and we both laughed.

"You know we wont do it without you baby and thats a promise that all three of us made" I said to Yoongi as he sits beside me.

Not to long after Jungkook walks over with plates of food.

Sitting down we all start to eat untill we can't eat anymore.

"Namjoon when is the wedding you know so I can mentally prepare myself for what we are gonna do you know?" Jungkook asked.

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