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January 4th, 2009, around 7:56pm.

I sat down in my thoughts, with effy on the end of my bed, silent.

even just eye contact with her made me get shivers upon my body. She didn't say much, but when she did, it fucking mattered.

" so..where we going eff? " I questioned her.

" everywhere, y/n. " she says sarcastically.
I scoffed, she nudges me.
" cmon, I'll pick out an outfit for you. " she almost mumbles.

I get up, and she throws some clothes at me.
I roll my eyes,
" do you have like an obsession with this top Elizebeth stonem? " i asked. She just smiles.

whatever, I slid off my jeans, and my top and got ready.

whatever, I slid off my jeans, and my top and got ready

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Eff looked me up and down, and smiled.

I then dragged her outside, grabbing my keys for my bike and for the house.

" hop on. " I say to effy. She jumped on the back, I revved the bike and effy just pointed me in direction, and she was doing a shit fucking job.

" also, eff remember our rule? No surfing and turfing eachovers men, rightt?? " pulling the 't'.

" yeah, no surf n turf. " she says.

She tells me to stop, in a weird fucking ally way.

" you sure it's safe eff?. " I say, a hint of anxiousness could be heard through my voice.
" if it wasnt, what's the fun? " she laughs.

yep, sounds like something effy would think.
" why, scared? " she grins.
" fuck off. "


effy had soon disappeared, leaving me on my own.

I saw a redhead make her way towards me, I had hoped it was emily, but the short skirt said otherwise.

" oh my god, y/n , it's like, totally safe seeing you. " Katie says, engulfing me with a hug. I could smell the MDMA on her anyday.

" yeah it's sound. " I respond.

" do you see my boyfriend over there, he's like, so cool you know. So don't try chat him up yeah, because he's mine. " she says hastily,

" I wouldn't want to anyways, I know you've been all over him like every other girl in this party, I'm proud to say I'm the only one who hasn't been totally shagged by him. "
i say, before fleeing away from her through the bustling crowds.

Before I could even get out, I bump into someone , sending me flying forward head first.

" woah watch where your fucking going , you nearly knocked out JJ ! " I hear a voice say.

I got up, to see a boy my age with curly locks, on the floor in a ball hyperventilating.

" now he's fucking locked on, well fucking done y/n " I look at the person, to see it's Freddie.

" oh my days you can fuck off , prick " I spit back at him.

He rolls his eyes,
" just wait till I tell cook. " he mentions.

" cook, who's cook ? " I ask confused, but frustration in my voice.
He wraps his arm around JJ, and makes his way through the crowds.

" your not getting away that easy , who's cook ?! " I say, following him.

He walks inside the mens toilets, I hesitate but walk in anyways,

" uh, babe, it's the mens toilets. " a rather attractive voice says to me.

I look around, to see a boy, with a nearly bowl haircut on the front, but it looked fucking good on him.

" yeah, well that ' babe ' got J- " Freddie says, now interrupted;
" woah, you know her, she's like the ultimate shag init? " the boy says, before coming closer to me.

" the fuck? " I said, acting asif I didn't want him all over me.

" cmon babe, I'm irresistible. " he says laughing.
" aren't you fucking effy ? " I say sternly.
" what does it matter to you who I shag and who I don't ? " he spits at me , smiling away.

" just answer twat " I say.
We all stand in silence before cook laughs;

" oi , I fucking like this en' fredster " he says, now even closer to me.
He gently grabs my hand,
" how about you join me and the boys to some fucking spin the bottle? " he says.

i still don't know if he was effs.

I knew no matter if he was,
He was mine now.

< to be continued ;) >

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