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I nodded at cook, and he smiles, doing a victory scream, I laughed.

" come on, princess. " he says to me, gripping my waist pulling me towards a staircase.

I then realise my situation;
I smile to myself.

I'd never think a guy would just swoon me at this party.

We then walk into a room , to see a small huddle of people on a couch.

" thomas my mannn " cook says smiling and shouting gibberish, all he got from thomas was a quick smile.

I waved at pandora, who was being all clingy to thomas, though he didn't enjoy the company of her. She gave me a big smile and wave, she's always been so nice for some reason.

" hi y/n! what've you been up to, making monkey? " she says,
'making monkey' means sex.

" no, no 'making monkey' panda pops. " I sigh to her.
" aw, bummer. " she says.

" oi, I call her panda pops. " cook buts in.
" what, can I not then? " I groan.
" well, no not really princess. " he smirks.

" you love calling me that, don't you? " I say.
He laughs,
" fucking yeah I do " he says.

" how is it Thomas ? " he says, before lighting a joint and taking a deep inhale.

" normal, you? " Thomas said, with a strong accent.
" I've been fucken on top of the world. But it was a pain in the ass getting into this party you know, just because of that time I sold drugs to that Naomi and she gave it to that girl who killed herself. " he says, asif what he just said was a day-to-day thing to do.

" so.. you helped some make another girl kill herself? " I spat out.

" cookies always up to madness, and I think it's whizzer ! " Pandora says.

" course you do panda guy pops. " he sighs before laughing loudly.

" anyways, we playing fucking spin the bottle or what?! " he shouts, making sure the room can here, he sounded a bit agitated.

" anger issues much. " I say, rolling my eyes.
" shut the fuck up " he says.

about 14 people say in a circle, cook sitting the opposite side to my right.

next to me was pandora.

I only knew a few people in here, JJ, freddie, pandora, Naomi, Emily, and now cook.

" who's going first, pussies? " cook says with a big smile on his face.

" I will. " Emily says, before spinning the bottle with it landing on freddie.

she pulled a face to the outcome, but the kissed anyways, we gave them a quick cheer.

Freddie then spins the bottle, landing on some random girl.

they exchange a quite long kiss, before breaking up, cook clapped.

then the girl spun, it landed on pandora, cook and Emily started laughing loudly,
" go on pandora kins, give her a smooch! " cook says before whistling.

" oh shuv off cook " pandora mumbles, before giving the girl a quick peck on the lips, the girl was not happy .

pandora flung her wrist and the bottle spun fastly.
" proper pro pandora pops, you been practicing? " cook smiles.

" well yeah, this games brilliant fun! " she said cheerfully.

It landed on JJ, and she just gave him a thumbs up and a peck, and JJ was a bit rosy.


It was my third time spinning, the last two times I kissed a random girl and Naomi.

And who this one landed on, was fucking obvious.

James fucking cook.

he laughed, and signalled for me to go over to him,
" well get on my lap princess. " he says, giving me butterflies.

I got on his laps, before straddling him and pulling him in for a kiss, it was long and I can't lie, he was an amazing kisser.

non the less, I wanted to get to know this
' cook ' if it's the last thing I do.

" well aren't you a tease. " he grins, an clear and wide smile plastered on his face.

I shook my head, I could tell my face was completely red.

" I'm off to toilet, I'll be back. " I say.

Before exiting and leaning on the stairs.

what the fuck just happened.

If effy has shagged him,
or is even with him,

I'm fucking screwed.

and as soon as her name pops up in my head, suddenly she fucking appears.

" alright? " she says.
" yeah, you? " I ask her back.
" great. " she smiles.

" what's going on in there? " she questions me.
" some spin the bottle bullshit. " I laugh,
" well did you kiss anyone? " she asks me.

some secrets are better off kept to your self, other wise truth.


" no not really, just sat and observed really. " I say nodding to her, she walks into the room.

And as soon as I hear pandoras loud mouth say my name,

I ran.

< ooooo >

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