The aftermath and a vacation

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"I think we all need this after all we've been through," Luke said, holding in his hand a paper bag filled with beer on the verge of ripping at the bottom, the weight causing it to sag. His other hand was wrapped in a sling holding his elbow at 90 degrees, at least it was just a sprain. It took a long time to finally be able to go to Neo's apartment. What followed next at the house wasn't the end, they had to cleanse the whole place to make sure that nothing was left by mistake just in case. There was no way they were going through this all over again. In the end, the original owner's body or what remained of it that is was burned along with the house hoping to leave not one single residual thing left. It took a long time for the building to turn to ash seeming to hold on to what's left with everything it had, but finally, it was done. It was finally all gone, and the entire team can now rest easy.

Later, Neo who always wants answers did some digging of his own, he was adamant to find the reason as to why this all happened in the first place. Maybe finding the reason for it would give them some closure. Turns out everything wasn't as happy as it all seemed. The owner didn't really go abroad to live with his family. In fact, they never wanted him in the first place, He was a disgrace to them, someone insignificant in their lives and they wanted nothing to do with him. He never bothered them, until he received a letter from them. Even though the paper was soaked and tinged with blood, it was still readable, still placed in the upstairs study room when Jan had found it after everything ended. The letter is probably the highest reason for all that happened after, his family wanting to strip his house from him, they needed money it said and in the end, the house didn't belong to him, so he had no say in the matter. Enraged and desperate that now the only thing he had is being taken away from him lead him to sacrifice his body to be the host of a malicious spirit hoping it did his revenge for him. Neo and Earth found countless books in the upstairs bedroom, the bedside table practically overflowing with varying books filled with rituals and information about body sacrifices. There were countless mistakes in them Earth noted, they weren't really books of a reliable source which explains why the owner bit more than he could chew. He summoned something so much stronger to do his bidding and in the end, it turned on him and wanted to do what it wanted, his body just a vessel for it. None of this would have happened had the family taken care of this poor man, yet it wasn't meant to be. The family not hearing any response from him still sold it, the woman who bought it asked no questions. She received every document she needed but when she went up to the house in question it would not let her enter, instead giving her such a bad feeling of evil that frightened her to contact Neo. And the rest of what happened followed. At least it was finally over.

Phuwin and Boom, their heads both bandaged toasted to each other with their beer cans, clinking them together, their injuries now much better after the physician's visit, while Jan and Neo sat on the opposing armchairs reclining their backs wanting to finally relax.

"Everyone is exhausted" Mix commentated, leaning back on the sofa cushion, his head resting on Earth's shoulder and their thighs touching. "Well, it was a very exhausting day" Earth replied sarcastically feigning to feel pain after Mix punched him in the chest at his comment. He brought his arm around Mix's head and then rested it on his shoulder, getting into a more comfortable position. After Mix finally woke up at the house, Jan brought Mix his amulet back to put on, only on the way she didn't see that the floor was uneven causing her to slip and drop the amulet accidentally. Earth didn't even have to think about it, he just immediately outstretched his hand and caught it. Realising what he did, he waited any second for the chain to start burning his hand. However, the pain never came instead the amulet glowed brightly for a moment but then went back to its clear pearl colour as if nothing had happened. Both Earth and Mix stood shocked at that moment, even more so as Earth came closer and put the amulet around Mix's neck himself locking it into place. Now determined, they looked at each other before Mix took Earth's hand waiting for any sign of burning pain. It never came, the amulet didn't ward off Earth anymore!!!

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