Chapter 18: Kei's Test from Iruka

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The following morning Kei was walking through the village when she heard her name being called.

"Hey, Kei, come and play with us!"

She turned to see three familiar kids gathered near Senju park gathered in a circle.

The first kid was a boy around the age of nine years old. He had a fair skin tone with short bushy, caramel brown hair. His eyes were covered with black visor-styled glasses. He was wearing a black and grey high collar jacket that stopped under his nose and went down to his knees, along with black pants above his ankles and dark blue ninja sandals.

The second kid was a girl around the age of nine years old. She had a distinctive shark-like appearance with blue-grey skin. She has small light blue eyes, three curved facial markings under her eyes, and sharp triangular teeth. She also has shoulder-length sky blue hair. She wore a dark blue kimono with a white waist belt and black pants and had on black ankle sandals.

The third and final kid was another boy around the same age as the other two. He had slightly tan skin with short spiky salmon hair with side bangs on his face and pistachio eyes. He was wearing a red and black jacket over an orange shirt. He also had matching red and white pants. To top it off had on grey ninja sandals.

"Well, why not? I don't have any missions today; I just had a training plan for later this afternoon," Kei said, walking over towards the three kids.

"Yay!" The three kids cheered excitedly.

"Huh?" Kei questioned as a tall man wearing a Hidden Grass jounin uniform appeared behind the girl and grabbed her.

"Ah! Kei!" She screamed as the man jumped into a tree holding her."Ayumu! Help!"

"What are you doing with Kazemi, you big jerk!" Ayumu, the salmon hair boy, shouted, holding his fist in the air.

"You let her go now! That my friend's little sister, so you better put her down!" Kei commanded.

"Ha ha ha!" The man laughed."I don't think so!" He yelled, taking off with Kazemi.

"Come on, Shinobu and Ayumu," Kei said, jumping up to go after the guy.

"I'm with you, Kei-sensei," Ayumu said, going after Kei.

"Wait," Shinobu said, following after them as well.


Kei was rushing through the trees after the Hidden Grass ninja, who was holding Kazemi in his arms still.

"Well, well," The guy said, rushing through the trees quickly."She can keep up with me at this speed."

"Hang on, Kazemi, I get this creep!" Kei called out, chasing after the man as she jumped from branch to branch.

"No! Let me go now!" Kazemi's scream was heard from up ahead.

'Hang on, Kazemi, I'm coming.' Kei thought as she continued to pick up her pace to get to Kazemi.


Kei was standing back in the tree as he heard the man laughing up ahead. She kept her presence hidden from the man as he tied Kazemi up to the tree.

"I thought the Hidden Leaf Village had powerful shinobi," The man commented."But now I see your nothing but just a bunch of weaklings."

Kei then appeared behind the man in a fighting position, making the man turn around to face her.

"Hm? That was quick," He stated.

"Hey, you, yeah, you Grass ninja," Kei said with narrowed eyes."What do you think you're doing with Kazemi?" She asked.

"What am I doing? That's your question?" He asked."Do you really want to know?" He asked, holding a kunai close to Kazemi's neck.

"Get away," Kei said with her fist clenched as she kept her eyes narrowed.

"If you even think about moving, the brats is finished," He said.

"What to do you want? Why are you doing this?" Kei asked."She is just a kid. Let her go now!"

"I want your father dead," He said. Let me know where he is, young snake, and I'll let the girl free."

"My father?" Kei questioned.

'How does this guy know about my father? Only a few people from the Leaf know who my father is.' Kei thought with eyes narrow as she studied the guy in front of her.

Kazemi mumbled as she was still tied up to the tree with her mouth gagged.

"Don't just stand there clueless! Hurry up and tell me where your father is!" The man commanded.

"Oh yeah, what happens if I don't say anything?" Kei asked.

"Then I guess you don't care about what happens to your friend's little sister," He replied.

"Sorry, what girl? All I see is a dummy looking at me," Kei said with a smirk."There is nothing but an empty spot next to you. Get your eyes checked."

"What!?" The guy questioned as he turned around to see the rope untied."Where did she go? Huh?" He looked up to see Kei standing in the tree with Kazemi in her arms.

"She's right here with the next upcoming snake Sannin like my father!" Kei smirked, placing Kazemi down next to her.

"Yeah, that's right, Kei-sensei!" Kazemi cheered."You're my hero!"

"A clone justu since when?" The man questioned."I'll get you, snake!" He said, getting ready to attack Kei.

"It's your fault for not knowing when you're outmatched!" Kei said from behind the man, wrapping wire around the guy and traped him to the tree.

"Hey, Sensei, we're here!" Ayumu shouted as he and Shinobu rushed towards her after finally catching up.

"Yeah, so you were finally able to catch up," Kei said, looking at the two boys as she held a kunai at the man's face.

"Ayumu!  I was so scared!" Kazemi yelled, hugging Ayumu.

"It's alright," Ayumu said, smiling.

"You caught him right, sensei?" Shinobu asked.

"Yeah, he's right here," She said, turning around but seeing a log in the place where the man was supposed to be.

"Hey, he used the substitution justu on you!" Ayumu said.

"It seems he did," Kei said.

"What now, sensei? He got away?" Ayumu asked.

"It doesn't matter Kazemi is safe, beside I don't think he was actually an enemy," Kei said."By the way, stop with the sensei. Just because I helped you train the day we met after taking my ninja picture does not make me a sensei," She said, ruffling the three kids' hair before she left them to be.


Hey lovely readers!

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Q: What do you think of Kazemi, Ayumu, and Shinobu

Q: What are your thoughts on Iruka testing Kei?

Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1131

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