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You looked around the room. A world meeting was going on. Arthur and Francis fighting. Romano swearing. America yelling. Switzerland threating people with his Peace Prize. Who gave him that in the first place? Well, you thought it was cute. "SHUT UP OR I'LL BEAT YOU WITH MY PEACE PRIZE!'' he threatened France.

You just giggled. Soon, everything got boring and didn't even clam down. Without being noticed, you stared to leave. Then, someone grabbed your hand. You turned around and blushed. "Yes, Basch[1]?" you asked.

"U-umm...well, I saw you l-leaving a-and well, I can't let someone like you go home unprotected." He exclamied, blushing.




You both turned around to see the Bad Touch Trio in a snickering fit. Basch growled. "Looks like little _____ finally got someone for herself. Too bad he's low rated." Gilbert laughed.

Basch pulled out his gun. "GO AWAY!" he threatened.

"Hey, no need to be rough, amigo." Antonino held up his hands, smirking.

Basch locked and loaded his gun and the BTT stepped out. He out his gun away and looked back at you. "Sorry about that.'' he stated.

''It's fine you basically saved me.'' you smiled.

Basch smiled. ''Do you need me to walk you home?''

''No not re-''

''Oh well. Too late.''

You sighed and giggled and Basch and you walked out of the doors. You walked all the way to your house, chatting and laughing with each other. You really brought him out.

You guys reached your front step, Basch looked a little disappointed. ''Bye.'' you waved and stepped up to the porch.

"Wait, ___!!''

You turned around, only to have lips smashed against yours. You froze. Basch kissed you. BASCH KISSED YOU. BASCH KISSED YOU! After about a minute or so, he pulled away, blushing insanly. ''I-I'm so sorry, ____...''

You giggled a little, causeing him to looked puzzled. You wrapped your arms about his mid body and hugged him. He hugged you back. "[2]ich liebe dich, ____"

"[3]ich liebe dich auch, Basch.'' (you had come to learn his language)

NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!~ (thta's my author's note signature please don't steal)

How was it? I think it sucked -.-


[1]Basch is his real name. Some write it out Vash, which is another way to spell Basch.

[2] I love you

[3] i love you too

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