Chapter 2

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I quietly tiptoed into the house hoping my dad was asleep. He has been through to much in the past year and you I can tell it was wearing on him. I quikely mad eit to the linens closets and gathered a munch of old towles and blankets. Just as I was making it to thbe bottom of the sateps I tripped and slammed into the wall making a loud thud. It was seconds latter that I could hear my dad tuddering down the steps.

"Honey are you alright. Where have you been?" Dad worried

"I was at mom's meadow I miss her so much." I  sniffling feeling bad for lying but it was at least a half truth I really did miss my mother. I didn't tell him about the griffin because I knew that would just remind him of mom, and I was worried that it would push him over the edge. I could see new wrinkles and lines on my dads face that weren't there two years ago. It made me worry cause he was forty-five and he lookeed like he was going into his sixty's.

"Oh I'm sorry honey, I miss her to. but I bet if she was here right know she would tell us to suck it up and go on living cause thats all we could do."

"Your right dad. I think I'm going to start practising magic again cause I think that's what mom would have wanted"

My dad looked ast me worriedly I know he was afraid to lose me just like he lost mom, but he knew that it's what she would want for me to do so with a heavy sign he said. "OK but just be careful. I will go into town tomorrow or give you money so you can get cleaning supplies to clean up the old lab. So you have a descent place to practice. Just promise me that you will be safe."

"Ok daddy I will. Now I'm going upstairs to get some much needed sleep I have a big day planned out for tomorrow."


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