The (Unfortunate) Date

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Little reminder :

"Yo!" : Talking
I am the mighty Herrscher Of Sentience! : Thoughts
(Shush) : Things like P.o.V change or time passing
["Okay then, I'll talk in your head instead!"] : Mind talking

Btw, there's chance I don't respect it  because sometimes Wattpad likes bugging from time to time if you know what I mean.

Anyway, let's continue the story.

(The next day)
3rd PoV


"HUH?!" Senti shouted as she went down the stairs and took her phone.

"Ughhh... Who dare call me at 10 a.m?" Senti mumbled before responding to the call. "Yes? Who the heck is it?"

"Oh, Hua! You're finally answering! You remember? The date?" The date...? Oh! F*ck no!I don't want to... Senti thought as she sighed. I have no other choice, why did I gave him my number already?

"Fine, tell me where we'll meet up and I'll come. If you come late, I swear I will write the entire story of Japan with your blood. Understood?" Oohh, that's a beautiful quote, anyway...
Shido sweat drop a little and said. "O-Okay, I won't be late. How about about we meet near the school at 11:30 a.m?"

Senti hummed and said goodbye as she cut the call. "Annoying bastard... I'll leave a note for Fu Hua." Senti put her phone and went to change myself. She took simple clothes, jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket, I won't make myself pretty for this idiot. She thought.

She took her phone again and watched videos of a funny guy.

(One hour and fifteen minutes later...)

"I'LL WRITE A BIBLE STORY IN YOUR BLOOD, MACHINE!" Senti laughed and fell on the floor... "Oh my god, I love this guy..." Senti said at loud, she looked at the clock and saw it was 11:15 a.m. "Sheesh, the time goes fast when you're happy..." She stood up and went out of the house as she walk to the school.

(Little Timeskip)
(Senti PoV)

I finally arrived in front of the school and I saw Shido waving at me. I waved back even though I didn't wanted to.
"A shame, I won't have the pleasure of killing you... Anyway, let our date start!"
I said, with a fake excited tone. I saw Shido narrowing his eyes SUSpiciously, maybe he have remarked my fake tone and smile but I don't care, I took his left arm with my hand and walked fastly.

(Shido PoV)

"Wh-where are we going?" I asked, a little shocked because of what Hua did.
"You're going to buy me ice-cream. You'll pay since you invited me" She said with a little smirk. She's like a extremely super excited child... I thought. We found the closest ice-cream maker and Hua asked for 1 chocolate ice cream as I choose 1 vanilla ice cream. "Try to get some information about her." Kotori ordered through the earphone.

"So... I wanted to asked you something." I said as she hummed while looking at me. "Why did you come in Japan? I know you're an exchange program student but why did you wanted to be here?" She was licking her ice-cream quietly before stopping licking it and she started to answer. "Well...Uhhhhh...Japan is cool I guess? At least it's better than China..." Hua said as I was kind of confused by her answer. "You want to know me better, I can see that. I don't mind as long as you don't pry too much." She glared while saying the last part as I nodded quickly.

"Hello, beautiful." A tall blond guy said while approaching Hua "Wow, man thanks for the compliment but I'm in a date right now so if you can kindly fuck off, I'll be happy." Hua said while holding firmly my arm and started walking. "Wait a damn second." The guy said as he put his hand on her shoulder and continued talking. "How about you know, ditch this guy and we go to have fun together then-"

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