1. Meet The Olsons

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Okay... The first chapter. 

WOW... I'M SO NERVOUS. This chapter is basically going to be like a small introduction to the some of the characters and basically how things are run in this particular family. You know like the who does what and all that.

ANYHOOO... Enjoy:)


Kamila's POV:

Six people. You'd think that's an ideal number for a family.

Two adults, Four kids. It might sound all nice and dandy but trust me it isn't. I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep in this freaking house.

" You ungrateful b***ch, who do you think you are talking to like that. I paid your bloody bride price which means you have to...". 

Yep, just another day in the Olson household. I think to myself, while looking for my earphones to block out the noise of my parents screaming at each other for God knows what this time. I quickly get up to and leave my room to go look for my siblings and see if they were okay. Though that wasn't really necessary seeing as we were all used to this.

Which is REALLY twisted and kind of sad. 

I bump into my younger brother, Christian trying to sneak into my parents room and who I know may try to appease them. Which hardly ever worked. They didn't care, my parents. Whether it was in front of us or in the "privacy" of their room. They just kept yelling till they were tired or began to fight physically. 

But my little brothers still tried. Once in a while they'd just barge into their room demanding for something out of the blue, which brought them to the limelight of my parent's anger. Something I absolutely hated. Although Christian didn't mind it at all. He'd much rather have them shouting at him than at each other. To him it was his little way of trying to make things better. 

"Where the hell do you think you're going Christian, go back to your room right now." I whisper yelled to him while pulling him by his MHA t-shirt away from my parent's room door.

"Nothing. Jeez Kam, calm down. I just wanted to know what they're arguing about this time" he murmurs. 

"Yeah right. And I'm trying to cure cancer. I've told you time and time again, you shouldn't try to separate them when they get like this. It's not your responsibility."

'It's mine.'

"Ugh... Already, can't these freakshows go one minute without going at each other's throat. Christ, I hate this house..." Catherine groans coming out of her room with her braids looking like a beehive on top of her head. 

"Psst... shut it. Don't let dad hear you, no one needs a beating this early in the morning honestly." I warn her, not ready to start separating my sister from my dad's wrath so early in the day.

I loved all my siblings but sometimes I just couldn't handle the mouth on my younger sister. With only one year apart we were basically twins and because of that she always had a tendency to run her mouth around me. I didn't mind most of the time because I could basically just ignore her, but sometimes she tended to forget just how crazy my dad was. 

And trust me. When I say crazy I mean borderline INSANE. Basically to sum it all up we were always walking on eggshells whenever he was home. 

"Christian, go wake Kameel up and bring him downstairs for breakfast, but make sure he wakes up BEFORE you remove his ear mufflers. The last thing we need now is a tantrum fest to add to the chaos this morning."

Kameel's the youngest out of the four of us, therefore making him the most sensitive to mom and dad's arguments, hence the ear mufflers. For a six year old, I totally understand where he might be coming from. After all it wasn't any better when I was six. 

Sometimes I really wonder how my parents got married in the first place. I have never seen two most different people on the face of the planet. With that thought at the back of my mind, I and Cat trudge down the stairs to start breakfast. 

Normally meals were pretty chill in our house, well mostly because the kitchen was fully sound proof there no sound could get in or out and because I made sure the four of us always ate meals together, there was a very low chance of running into our parents. 

"Good morning." Kameel yawned as he basically slithered down the stairs in to the kitchen. "Morning" we all responded in amusement on how slurred he sounded. 

And with that we each choose what we wanted off the counter for breakfast. I usually had a cereal or some eggs but I just didn't have the stomach for it and decided on an apple instead as I heard the muffled words coming from upstairs.

In the words of Catherine 'Fuck I hate this house.'


That's all folks😂.

Well at least for now. So, what did you guys think? 

Again I need criticism and don't be shy with the grammar corrections. What do you think of the Olson siblings and whose character got you intrigued the most.


And I'll see you all in chapter 2.



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