Forever isn't enough

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Maybe it's the way her hair blows in the wind. Or maybe it's her beautiful [e/c] that had drawn me to her. But something I just can't understand is why she refuses to love me.

There she is lying on my bed with her wrist tied to post. So so beautiful I wish she would forget about him, because now he is gone.

Every time I give her an inch she takes a mile. I should've known better to keep Aizawa here. She thinks he's her soulmate it only makes sense that she would go looking for him.

As angry as I am I will not hurt [Y/N] tonight. She needs rest and I'll provide that for her.

Who will be her protector of the night if I wasn't here? She needs me. I will twist her into a helpless person who will depend on me for everything. Oh how this will be a treat. I thank Aizawa for this new idea I have. She'll learn to hate everyone but me.

Oh, Good morning darling


No, this can't be. I'm back to square one. So many bad memories here, the many times I've been abused all traces back to this room.

And there he is. I refuse to hand my life over him. A part of me still wants to try and change him. After all he was my bestfriend. It's to late for that now.

I open my eyes and look to my right.
"Good morning Darling",he smirks.

Pushing my tied arm towards him I say "please."

He gets off the stool he was sitting on and pushes it harshly at the door. Then he walks over to me.

"Aww sweetheart of course." He grabs my wrist ever so softly and kisses it. Shortly after he takes his hand and disintegrates it off my wrist.

I don't say a word while he rubs my bruised wrist.

"I love you so much [Y/N] it hurts me. You have hurt me ten times over yet I still care for you. Aizawa is gone now and if I hear a word about him I will start going after people you care deeply for." He takes a deep shaky breathe and squeezes my wrist harder.

"I am done with taking away your friends and taking away your soulmate. If you make another attempt at escaping I'm going after your family. And if that doesn't work I'll paralyze you." He grabs my hand and places it on his heart.

"My heart still beats for you my love. I am not a monster, I am just someone deeply in love with you."

I try to hold my tears back but it's no use. I turn away from him covering my face with my hands. I'm trying to hold it together but I can't anymore.

He grabs my hands pulling them away from my face. "We can start over baby I don't have to hurt you. I don't have to be mean to you but, I won't blame myself anymore. You determine what happens." His words are so plain it's like he has lost all emotion.

"From now on your going to listen to exactly what I say nothing more nothing less." He leans in and kisses me on my chest.

"Tell me the truth, do you think you can learn to love me?" While saying that he lifted his head from my chest and stared into my eyes.

I stared into his soul.

I'll be updating way more and I've improved my wiring a lot. The story is going to undergo some editing but be ready for some more updates!

Comment and tell me what your thinking!

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