Author's notes

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Originally written for 1daboficfest 2022

I don't even know what to say except thank you from the bottom of my heart to the most amazing fest mod in the world, pocketsunshineharry, who was kind enough to be patient with my sorry arse. I'm grateful for you not kicking me out of the fest due to my work arriving super late to the collection.

I would also like to dedicate this fic to my fantastic friend, Josie (thinlines), who held my hands while writing, stroked my ego when I needed a mood boost, and kicked my arse when I wasn't writing. Without you, this fic would have never been published. I'm so glad our fics brought us together, and I'm looking forward to our future writing sessions.

Now, about the story:

The title is from Frank Ocean's song, Lost.

The fic is set in medieval times, so the following trigger warnings apply: period-typical violence, war, death, injuries and blood.

Also would like to remind those who find Harry's behaviour in this fic upsetting that this is a work of fiction. In this story, Harry is the ruler of a great empire, so he has to be somewhat cruel and strict to uphold the peace. Originally he might behave awfully toward Louis, but he will try to redeem himself. But I can understand it's not everyone's cup of tea.

If you don't like the story, don't read it, and consider yourself warned.

Also, if you need me to add a trigger warning or tag, please let me know.

This fic was my baby in the last 8 months, which is also my longest ever finished work so far.

I live and die for your feedback...

So I hope you will like it!

Original work:

Updating the story several times during the weekend.

I also divide the fic into more chapters while uploading than in the originally published version.

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