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This is my very first fic that I publish here at wattpad (even tho i spend like all my time here creeping on every camren fic beCAUSE THEY'RE ALL SO GOOD). Anyways, here's a funny one shot I had inspiration for after seeing a prompt about "muse A finds out muse B uses their wifi connection to watch porn". Roughly like that, I think. Yeah, so I hope you find this at least sort of funny. Oh gosh.

All mistakes are mine because I don't have a beta and well, everybody makes mistakes. Awk.


Living in a sketchy neighborhood had never been Camila's dream, but she had had to adjust to it after moving out of her parents' house back in Miami. Her building wasn't that bad though, sort of. If she was being positive. A few odd guys that looked like they would most likely be trouble, that newly married couple that couldn't afford living somewhere - just like her-, a bunch of college students. You know, the usual.

There was however one neighbor that had always caught the brunette's attention, the girl that lived right next to her. She was probably around her age, gorgeous, brunette, green eyes and an amazing sense of style. If beanies and tight, ripped skinny jeans were your thing. And oh boy was it Camila's thing. She had never talked to her for more than a few sentences when they crossed each other's paths in the hallway or the elevator, but she had always found herself drawn to her neighbor.

It had taken her a while but the thing was that what had shocked her the most was learning that her very attractive yet mysterious neighbor was stealing her wifi. Had it been anyone else Camila would have marched down to their door and gave them a piece of her mind about it, she worked hard to pay her wifi connection alright. It was very important. It was hard trying to watch John Green's livestreams if it kept freezing because some sleazy neighbor was clogging her signal. But now that she knew it was that girl, she wasn't mad per se. Annoyed, sure, but not mad. And the fact that the other girl stole her wifi signal to watch porn was probably the reason Camila hadn't done anything yet. Lesbian porn, her goddamn neighbor watched porn using her wifi. Talk about fucking odd.

The Cuban girl had noticed a couple weeks ago that her wifi signal faltered many times and her internet connection was too slow for her liking. At first she thought it would be because she wasn't exactly paying the fastest connection nor did the neighborhood she lived in have optical fiber cable either. One of her friends, Harry, suggested that maybe someone was on her network and that was why her internet was so bad lately and that she wouldn't lose anything by checking it out.

He had proceeded to explain her how he and his boyfriend Louis had the same problem with someone taking advantage of their wifi connection and assured her that he knew how to take care of it. The curly haired boy had suggested she tried a low-tech method first if she was suspicious, which consisted on checking her wireless router lights. All routers should have an indicator light that showed internet connectivity, hardwired network connections, and also any wireless activity. And one way she could see if anyone was on her network was by shutting down all wireless devices and check if the light was still blinking - which it was. It didn't give her any information besides the supposition that there was indeed someone leeching onto her wifi connection.

After that Harry had talked her through on how to check her router device list, which was finding the router's administrative console. To do so she had to go to her router's IP address by going to a command prompt and then typing ipconfig in the window. It had already gotten her a while to manage only that, computers and such had never been her forte alright? Her friend had asked her to type an IP address in a browser window, which prompted her to log into her router. Opening up a new window, it showed her current login information that she was later on advised to change as soon as she got into her router console before a real hacker did it for her.

oddly enough we made it. ♢ camren one-shot.Where stories live. Discover now