Chapter 1 and Authors Note

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~Authors Note~

Hi there! This is my first fanfic so any constructive criticism will be great. Also, I will try my best to add any TW at the start of any chapters that have any sensitive content.   I hope you enjoy the fanfic, let's begin!

~TW discrimination, threat~

Hazel's POV

"I'm sure it'll be fine. You're parents seem like nice people, I'm sure they'll support you," Noah told me giving my hand a supportive squeeze. I gave him a grateful smile and took a deep breath in. 

I am Hazel Williams, a confident girl, and proud Lesbian. Coming out to my parents should be easy enough, right? 

My heart was beating so quickly that it felt like it would just burst out of my chest. Did everyone feel this nervous when coming out to their parents? At least my friends are here for emotional support, they always make me feel better one way or another. 

My other best friend Quinn hugged me and I could tell she was worried for me. She brushed her shoulder-length hair out of her face and gave me a warm smile.                                                                      "Yeah, he's right," she agreed.                                                                                                                                           I tapped my fingers nervously, "Okay I think I'm ready." 

I left my room and walked downstairs to find my parents. They were sitting at the kitchen table, my mom doing research on her computer whilst my dad wrote things down. My parents were scientists and only cared about their discoveries and stupid inventions. They'd recently been working on some new machine in the garage, so hadn't really been spending much time with me which annoyed me slightly. But I wouldn't let my annoyance get in the way of sharing who I really am.

"Uh Mom, Dad. I have something to tell you. It's quite important."                                

My parents looked up from their work.                                                                                                                         "Yes, sweetie?" My Mom asked, raising her eyebrow                                                                                              "I've been - uh , having these crushes recently on some people at school and - um, I've come to realize that um - I'm not straight. " I admitted , bracing myself for the worse, "I like girls."

There was a moment of hesitation before anyone spoke.                                                                                     My mom pulled me into a hug and whispered " Sometimes people can be confused about who they really are. Some people say they're something they're not, you can never really know. What I'm saying is most of the time it's just a phase." 

I could feel my cheeks burning with anger and the tears beginning to roll down my face. I pushed my Mom away. 

"Y-you can't say that Mom. You don't know that!" I shouted, clenching my fists. I stormed off wiping away the tears from my face.                                                                                                                              "Honey come back!" My Mom shouted after me but I just ignored her. 

I ran angrily to the garage and slammed my fists against the control panel of my parent's invention. Nothing happened except i felt a sharp pain in my fist. I punched the machine again, harder this time and the metal structure whirred emitting a swirling, bright light. 

"Argh!" I yelled kicking abandoned parts towards the light. 

"Hazel, what's happening?" I heard a concerned Quinn shout, bursting into the room followed by Noah.                                                                                                                                                                                      "We heard shouting."

Suddenly, i could feel myself being sucked into the swirling lights. What the-

"Noah, Quinn h-help," I reached forward but I couldn't grab their hands. I could feel myself getting closer to the light, Noah and Quinn were beginning to get sucked in too.  Soon I could feel my whole torso being engulfed. I closed my eyes tightly hoping this madness would stop at any moment but it didn't. 

All of a sudden I fell backwards onto wet, muddy ground banging my head on something hard. My vision began to fade away into darkness and I was knocked out cold.

(631 words)

Hope you liked the first chapter, it isn't much and I will try to add on more chapters soon. :)


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