Chapter 3

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~Hazel's POV~

I followed the hooded stranger out of the arena before being stopped by the blue one and a handful of other creatures like him, wielding swords. 

"Stop right there!" He spat, glaring at the hooded stranger "That creature's mine."

The stranger pulled out their laser sword again and the blue one stepped backwards.  Dunlop stopped him before he could attack and whispered "Don't you recognise her? That's the Ghost's kid!" They looked down at the hooded figure and reluctantly they let us pass. 

What was that about? Who's The Ghost?

The stranger led me through a bustling marketplace full of frog-like creatures and stands selling all sorts of peculiar items. Finally after minutes of silently following behind her I plucked up the courage to stay something.

"Um , who are you," I asked quietly. The stranger looked up and pulled down her hood. She looked similar to the blue one except, she had a rustic red skin with flecks of gold and bright yellow eyes. She was tall and thin standing at around 4'10". 

She smiled softly and answered " The name's Reed and I'm guessing you're Hazel."

"Um, yes- that's me," I responded, surprised at how she knew my name " No offence, but what are you and where the heck am I?" 

Reed laughed, steering me away from several shifty looking stalls. " You're in the Bizarre Bazaar, the best place in all of Amphibia - in my opinion anyway. Also I'm a newt, the other animals like us are called frogs and toads and they also live here in Amphibia."

"Oh. So you're like, Amphibians?"I questioned.

"Woah aren't you smart," Reed chuckled. 

I ignored her sarcastic comment and asked " How did you know my name?"

Reed thought for a moment " I guess you could say I had a dream about you and your weird little friends," she replied.

"Quinn and Noah?"


"Do you know where they are, were they sucked in too?" I asked.

"No, I'm afraid I don't , and I don't know if they were brought here , the dream was very vague," she sighed.

I stopped firing questions at her for a moment and we arrived at a tent, decorated with gold and silk. She led me inside, where an annoyed ,smaller newt sat her arms crossed. She had silvery skin, dappled with light blue and the same bright yellow eyes as Reed.

"Oooo, you are so busted! Sneaking away, leaving me behind? Wait until I tell Mom," the smaller newt grinned with pleasure.

"Ula, please don't," Reed groaned as though she'd dealt with this before "I'm pretty sure I remember her putting me in charge anyway. I can do anything I want to."

"You left me at home by myself , Mom told you specifically not to do that,"Ula frowned.

"What do you want me to give you, if you don't tell her?"

Ula thought for a second before responding with " 10 coppers."

"Ugh, fine," she handed over 10 copper coins. 

"Also," Ula added, squinting up at me "what the frog is that."

"That's Hazel and she'll be staying here whether you like it or not," Reed told her.

"But what'll Mom say-"Ula started.

"She won't have to know," Reed interrupted "She said she's coming back tomorrow, right? Then that's when we leave."

(553 words) 

Hi, hope you liked this chapter, I think that's the most words I've done so far. Stay safe.



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