Golden Globes

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Our meeting with Jenji was today and I was shaking with nerves. I didn't want to risk my job so close to the second season, but I was tired of hiding who I am. The world stopped turning for a while as we waited outside her office. The blood was rushing in my ears like a waterfall.

"Come in girls," Jenji said. We nervously opened the door and walked in. Jenji was sitting at her desk doing paper work when we came in.

"You wanted to talk to me?" she said putting down her pen.

"Umm, yeah..." I said as Taylor and I took our seats.

"We have something we want to tell you," Taylor said confidently.

"Okay..." Jenji got a stern look on her face and she seemed to glare at us.

"Well, you see. Taylor and I are dating and I think I may love her. I don't want to hide who I am anymore Jenji," I said emboldened by Taylor's confidence.

"Girls, the Golden Globes are in a week. This is going to create a blow up. I'm fine with this but you are going to have to talk to the press," Jenji said calmly.

"Are you sure," we looked at each other surprised.

"Yes, but I'm not handling this, you have to deal with it. Now go get ready for today."

We left her office in silence. I was shocked she didn't protest more. I was perfectly fine handling the press but I never thought Jenji would be okay with us dating, especially with the Golden Globes so close. I knew what I was going to do.


"Oh my god Laura, you're going to tell the press, at the Golden Globes!" I couldn't tell if she was excited or angry.

"If you want to make this public that is," I nervously chewed on my lip.

"I think I do, I've never been with another girl before you. I mean my mom knows about us, I've talked to her a lot about what would happen if I were to decide I was interested in women. She seemed to be okay with whatever made me happy," Taylor said hesitantly.

"I won't say anything if you don't want me too."

"I want you to. Lets get out of the closet Laura."

"Okay Tayolr! I'm excited. This is going to shock the world babe."


"And on the red carpet I have Taylor Schilling and Laura Prepon, stars of the new series Orange is The New Black. Tell me ladies what is it like working on a show about prison?"

"Well it certainly is humbling. I'm glad I get to go home and sleep on an actual mattress at night," Taylor laughed.

"I agree. I absolutely love working with everyone on the show. We really are like a family," I said smiling brightly at the reporter.

"I heard that there are some rather racy scenes, how do you girls handle those?"

"Well it definitely helps that Laura is a beautiful woman," Taylor joked.

"Well Taylor and I wanted to make it look as authentic as possible. It's hard to come away from that without feelings. Taylor and I have such natural chemistry that it came easily. Our relationship has only gotten better because of that," I smirked.

"What I think Laura is trying to say," Taylor grabbed my hand, "is we're dating so it isn't as awkward for us as it would be people with nothing in common."

"Wow, congratulations ladies. And with that, we have a commercial break."

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