Chapter 33: Misunderstanding

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Minjeong's POV

Since this morning, I've been lying in my bed wrapped in my thick blanket. Aeri and I thought it was better for me to stay home. I didn't want her to miss classes for me, but she insisted stay with me. She said she would ask other students to send her notes. Sometimes she would go out of the house to talk to Yizhuo about Jimin. Many times, Aeri tried to talk to me about her but I would cut her off every time as I didn't want to hear anything. As soon as I was alone, I started thinking about her again and cried without knowing it.

I was sitting at the table waiting for Aeri to prepare food. She had turned on the TV and said that it would keep me company and avoid me thinking about her. Even when my favorite TV show was on, I couldn't find the happiness. Earlier, I went to take a shower and looked in the mirror as a reflex. I saw my pitiful state, I looked like nothing. My eyes were red and swollen, my lips were chapped, and my hair was in a mess. And it was only the first day after the disaster, I can't even imagine

what I'll look like tomorrow.

"Minjeongie, let's eat!" she put on the table different dishes... of chicken.

"Aeri, you told me you were preparing a lot of different food."

"Well, yes, they're different dishes. What's the problem?"

"unnie... there's only chicken." she overreacted again by being offended by my remark.

"How can you say that? I would like to point out that there are roasted chicken, fried chicken, marinated chicken and breaded chicken." | sighed at her bullshit. Sometimes I wonder who's the older of us. We started eating, Aeri was savoring and praying, saying how crisp, soft and juicy the chicken was. Unlike me, I had no appetite at all. I was just groping the roasted chicken leg on my plate. Aeri noticed that I had been silent for too long. She took my hand and squeezed it slightly, which made go back from having my head in the clouds.

"Oh I'm sorry unnie... I was thinking about some stuff but don't w-"

"Minjeong, it's okay. Try to relax and don't let yourself get worked up..."

"Thank you Aeri..."

"Let's eat before everything gets cold!"

I was back in bed again. Since last night, I had turned off my phone and since then, I hadn't turned it on yet. I know I'll get hundreds of calls and messages from her. Last night, the fact that she was lying to me really hurt me and I was deeply disappointed in her. But the urge was too tempting, my body was already gone, I found myself turning it on and checking my phone. Not surprisingly, 145 missed calls and 79 messages. I could read, "We need to talk. Minjeong, I miss you. Can we have a discussion? I love you.... I miss you..." My hands had become cold as read the messages. I desperately missed her, but I was far too angry and hurt to forgive her for the moment. I lay in my bed looking at the different photos that Jimin and I had taken. I found myself smiling a few times but each time the pictures of her with the mysterious girl came to my mind and it was so painful.

Jimin's POV

I was up all night and I was drunk. After the fight with Minjeong, I went home and started to get nervous by hurting myself again with my glass of alcohol. I started bleeding but I didn't even bother to heal myself because the pain was stronger emotionally. When I saw a tear running down her cheek, my heart had broken into a thousand pieces. I felt selfish, I made the girl I loved the most cry. All because of my naivety, I should never have gone to Yeji's place. I should have listened to Sungchan, he was right and I was wrong. Last night, I had never been so disgusted. I didn't even dare look in the mirror, after all, I was no better than those guys who assaulted Minjeong at the party. I knew it was a bad idea for me to stay home alone, so I called Yizhuo to ask her to come and keep me company. The first thing she did when she arrived at my house was to heal my wound. She knew there was something wrong, for the first time in many years, I had cried. My tears had started to flow when I thought about Minjeong's face, she was hurt, mad and disappointed.

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