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Hey guy's sorry I'm late! What's going o- WHO KILLED TAEYUNG??! I did... I'm sorry he was getting to close to Jimin and i- YOU SON OF A BITCH! Wait.. why are you sticking up for him?! We forgot to tell you officer but.. - don't tell him! He's also a killer... You!... You're coming with me! Wait what!? You seriously believe them?! Of course not Jin. The officer laughed. Wait why are you laughing you said it you're self! Jimin said. I am so confused what is going on? Suga said. I am his uncle! UNCLE? Also I didn't believe ya guys Soo I lied. Now let's hurry and see the results of the music! Everyone was shocked they couldn't believe what he just said maybe he's also a killer too right!? Everyone just took a deep breath and decided to talk to each other tonight it was team meeting. Okay guy's ready? Yes... Everyone signed. I can't hear you...! Yes! Okay good just making sure now Jin can you do the results? Everyone was confused what he mean? Jin clicked a red button and everyone was shocked. It was.. a Dressing room! Wow.. okay everyone let's get dress and I'll see you guy's on stage! Wait.. there's a stage!?? Yup! It does now get dress!

Few minutes later

Everyone looks amazing! This is what they looked like:




(i know he got shot but ya know I had to add him he's not actually dead they didn't actually shot him in the head they shot him in the arm)


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