Chapter 20: Beach Resort

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I was dragging her hand as we roamed and tour ourselves around the venue of this beach until we occasionally got lost. I am ignorant of this resort. I haven't been here, even before. Perhaps, this is like a village beach resort or, more than that?

We've been hiking around but we've barely seen games and some of the amusement park theaters. They only have water rides and water slides in the distance between the restaurants and the wide ocean. The rest are attractive cafeterias that have different colors of DIM lights imprisoned inside the resort and small cottages.

We are looking forward to watching the large moon and star gazing upon the surface of the ocean but we came into the area of the bistro as some crew was taking away the tables and stools and some were finding a way to place the disco ball. Meanwhile, the melody of the song slowly begins, making people interrupted by the music.

"This is not an amusement park! This is resort beach!" I hissed, turning around my face in front of her disturbance complexion.

"Say it," she affirmed.

We stopped walking and stared at each different faces. She raised her right brows while eyeing me with her intimidating looks and watching the staff who were busy designing the area as she familiarize herself with the spot wherein our location. She withdraws her gape and approaches my entire attention. I sighed in incredulity turning my sight to her wandering appealing expression.

I find her eyes the sexiest.

I point myself sometimes. I raised a question; why this woman lives as reliable and attractively in every aspect of her appearance and body? Why does she have that firm look and intimidating stares? Perhaps the blood of Jolie is impressive.

I want that.

"Because there are no, rides and games." I slowly shook my head after answering her skeptical question.

She breathed confused, "What else?"

I burst out laughing whilst pointing out her face with my index finger, mocking her appearance, "You are clueless about the amusement parks. The pity of you!"

This woman is probably unaware of the world. Tsk, at the age of thirty-five years living inside the Earth, she exists as a businesswoman and lecturer at the same time yet dumb enough to recognize the amusement games? How cruel and strict of herself, not figuring out how to get the enthusiasm to push the limit doing what his father take away from her childhood.

Indeed, that's not his father's fault.

Her angelic face was suddenly drawn to an irritated one. Surprisingly, the atmosphere begins to change, " I'm not pity, Ms. Clarkson. You are!" she yelled out because of the noisy jazz music surrounding our location.

Shame. Can they not think about some people who are not interested in noisy music tonight? The DJ is precisely not good enough to play decent songs.

I pulled her away from the people who were heading in the middle of our direction as they started pulling the hands of their partners to dance. "Now, we are in a quiet place, isn't it nice?" I amusedly asked while we both sat down at the big rock behind, watching those people who are loving the sounds of music as they started happily dancing while holding a glass of champagne.

"Would you like, ma'am?" a bartender woman surprisingly show up wearing eyeglasses and dressed in various types and colors of blossoms designed all over her lacey dress after serving the people wherein the middle of the crowds. Ms. Angelina instantly pulled out her hands away from me as we both turned our gaze at the stranger crew interrupting our moon gazing with the beautiful luminaries above the dark sky.

The Unexpected Woman (•𝖣𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗎𝖾𝖽: 𝗀𝗑𝗀•)Where stories live. Discover now