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I slowly awoke as thunder rumbled in the grey clouds above and lightning lit up the dark, grey sky. I lifted my hand to my bleeding head before looking around. 

Bumpy and I were both on a large piece of the boat. 

"Where's Mae... And Blue..?!" I muttered to myself, worried as I slowly sat up, the rough waters rocking the piece of wood we were on. Rain poured down onto me, soaking my hair and clothes. 

I stumbled over to the herbivore and hugged her for support. She let out a scared groan and nuzzled her head into me.

"I'm scared too Bumpy... And I am so... so sorry..." I whispered as I felt tears roll down my face. My heart ached as I knew my fate. I killed Mae and Blue, now Bumpy and I were going to die.

I hunched myself over Bumpy and sobbed into her back as she groaned, trying to comfort me. The rough waters shook the wood, causing me to slip backward. I shivered, from the cold and from fear. 

Suddenly I heard yelling in the near distance.

"Overboard! Boy overboard!" The voice called. My vision slowly went blurry as I hugged Bumpy, not wanting to let go. 

A large boat slowly came into view before I shut my eyes, passing out. 

I awoke in a somewhat comfortable bed, my head aching heavily. I sneezed, catching the attention of the man next to me. 

"Ah, you're awake." He said, his voice deep and croaky.

"Where... Where am I..?" I muttered, confused.

"Your on Beloved Mary." The man responded. "It's the boats name," He added. I nodded slightly before sitting up, startled. 

"Where's Bumpy?!" I asked.

"Bumpy?" The man repeated, confused.

"The... The blue Ankylosaurus that was with me!" I said, distraught, hoping they brought her on board too.

"Oh that weird looking creature? Don't worry, she's just there." He said, pointing to the dinosaur that was asleep on the floor. I sighed with relief before sneezing. 

"Seems you've caught a cold, love." The older man said, chuckling. Love... Love... LOVE!

I gasped before tears began rolling down my face.

"Hey.. Hey what's wrong?" He asked, confused.

"Mae... Blue..." I muttered sadly in between hiccups and sobs.

"Mae? Hey... I know that name." He said in realization. "Oi, someone go fetch that woman!" The man yelled to the people above deck.

"YES SIR!" I heard one yell in response.

After a while a woman with crutches entered the room, a familiar smile on her face.

"MAE!" I called, leaping forward and hugging her tightly, sobbing into her shoulder. 

"Hey love..." She said weakly. I smiled before pulling out of the hug and noticing the crutches.

"What happened..?" I muttered before glancing down to her left leg, the bottom half was missing and it was all bandaged up.

"The Spinosaurolophus must've gotten me or something, I'm honestly not 100% sure but... Now I guess I have to use crutches for a while." She said, making light out of the situation. I giggled slightly before looking around.

"What about Blue..?" I asked. She frowned.

"I'm not sure what happened to her..." Mae responded, frowning.

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