I Didn't Fall in Love

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This. Isn't. My. Work. The original fanfic was posted on Archive Of Our Own. Here's the link;  http://archiveofourown.org/works/29434233,  so please give them kudos if you enjoyed it. I don't know how to stress this enough, but this work is actually incredible. I laughed, I cried, I cheered. It's so amazing and I hope you all enjoy it!




Step 1: Observation and Formulating a Question. To begin an experiment, a researcher must first observe the phenomenon of interest in as close to its natural state as possible. Through this observation, a research question can then be formed 


When Senkuu was wrenched out of sleep in his newly minted observatory by a chest wracking cough and a handful of spit covered petals stuck to the floor, he had exactly four gut reactions and one conscious thought in specifically that order.

Not totally unexpectedly, he decided to ignore the feelings for the moment in favor of the thought.

Senkuu examined the petals and smiled at his first thought.

This is going to be exhilarating.


The Kingdom of Science didn't actually have normal days....or maybe they did but their normal days were just so abnormal by any other standard that no one actually knew what a normal day was.

Gen had time to reflect on these things as he, for once, was able to weasel himself off into the sidelines by virtue of neither being strong enough to break tungsten apart nor having the scientific know-how to theorize how the vacuum tube could come together.

In other words, he was free!

Sure, sure, a little teensy tiny bit of token encouragements--just enough for Gen to protest he was totally pulling his weight, how dare you say otherwise!--and, then, he was off to do....whatever he actually could do for free-time when the entire world outside the village was rocks and trees.

He resisted a grimace.

He wondered when a day without backbreaking labor had somehow become synonymous with a day at the spa some three-thousand, five-hundred years ago. Come to think of it, he was completely blaming his utter abandonment of priorities on Senkuu and his infuriating way of making formerly tedious tasks into something almost like entertainment.

Which, speaking of the man, he seemed to be almost done with his cute little science-craftsman mind meld thing he did with Chrome and Kaseki which meant if there was a time to escape-- 

A hand hooked on the back of his collar.

Gen's eyes widened. No!

"Come help me over here, modern man. You must know at least a little more chemistry than the villagers."

Nooooooooo! Ugh, that was just unfair!

And, of course, his protests were completely ignored.

Let this be a lesson to Gen that he should never, ever, ever procrastinate on disappearing when it came to the Kingdom of Science. Even a few seconds' hesitation meant he was now getting dragged back into the lab, where he'd probably leave smelling kinda like ammonia and have a dizzying headache from all the chemical formulas that Senkuu threw at him like they were common knowledge.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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