Chapter 13

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"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."
- Oscar Wilde

Adele is laid staring at the wall. Her whole body is trembling. She was at the hospital for hours until Officer Payne brought her back. He offered to have a policewoman stay with her but she refused, saying she just wanted to be alone. He told her he'd call on her in a few days time and I'm glad.

I do want her all to myself... But I know deep down that if she's isolated this could happen again. It's not fair of me. It's not like we could ever be together. This whole thing benefits me more than her.

I glide across the dark room towards her, standing over the bed. Mr T gently pushes his face into hers but she doesn't respond.

Somehow this is scaring me more.

Carefully I lie on the bed beside her, looking at her. Bruises are beginning to bloom across her face. Suddenly she snaps and begins to cry, sobbing breathlessly.

I don't know what to do to comfort her. I try and make her feel warm but she doesn't respond at all.

Sod it. Harry can tell me off all he wants but I've got a few of my own things to say to him.

I still can't believe he stopped me helping her. He's not going to stop me comforting her at least.

Slowly I create a little orb of gold light and send it towards her, as if that's suppose to make everything ok, but at least she knows she's not alone.

I hear her breathless gasp.

"Oh my god..."

Not quite love

She shakily raises her hand to touch it and her stares in wonder.

"Who are you?" She looks around. Her face is still wet with tears but she's distracted now.

"I'm crazy." She whispers. "It's the shock... It must be..."

I laugh quietly.

Suddenly I'm overtaken by a strange sensation. Its so odd, it feels like I'm getting heavier. A tingle starts, somewhere deep inside me and it spreads slowly throughout my body.

I'm trying to work out what the hell is going on when a piercing scream jolts me out of my thoughts.

Adele leaps off the bed and stares down at the place where I'm laid. Her face is blanched and she's staring in shock.

"Oh my god! You're... You're real..." She whispers. "You're really here..."

I stare at her in confusion.

As I sit up she gasps, her eyes following my movement. What on earth is going on?

I turn back to look at her and that's when I see it.

In the mirror next to her bed I can see Adele's back and next to her, staring straight back at me, I can see...


I stare at myself in shock. I give myself a little wave and laugh when my reflection waves back.

Adele is watching me warily.

She can see me.

"I'm dreaming aren't I?" She whispers, staring at me.

I shake my head and shuffle back a bit and her eyes follow my movement.

"Are you... Are you a ghost?"

Well obviously...

I resist the temptation to say it out loud. Just.

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