Jake Sterling

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(Pls don't hate my style of or version Jake)
•He's a transgender bis-romantic Demisexual demiboy
•He's supposed to wear the glasses he's wearing but when he goes to school or hangs out with the jomies he puts in contacts
•The scar is from an accident when he was younger (I'll put the story in the comments if you want)
•He covers his scar and freckles when he goes to school or hangs out with the jomies
•Him, Daisy, Sadie, and Stacy have all been friends with each other since they were 5 years old
•His parents are divorced and he mainly lives with his alcoholic mother
•He's the the exact middle child of 5 children
•He has 1 older brother, 1 older sister, 1 younger brother, and 1 unborn little sister (she's alive just not born yet)
•He's had Oreo since he was 7
•Oreo was just a normal dog but he ended up turning into and emotional support animal.
•He was bullied for his love of music, being gay, and also his body figure in the past
•He likes to play horror games but doesn't tell Drew and the others because they get scared easier
•Sadie, Daisy, and Stacy still invite him to their 'girls night' because they think he's the life of the party when he's there.
•He's actually really good at doing complex makeup looks
•He actually likes his dad more than his mom
•He has mixed genetics of his family heritage. (I'll say more in the comments if you want)
•When he comes home from school he helps with homeschooling his younger brother (reason will be in his part)
•He actually likes to draw but he stopped because he thought they looked weird
•He hates talking about politics, in fact he hates politics all together
•He's basically the family therapist
•He has an ex boyfriend named Kaidence (he will be mentioned later)
•Even after transitioning from female to male he wore a skirt on his 13th birthday
•He can speak in Japanese, Korean, and Spanish fluently but rarely does
•He loves puzzles but hates when there are missing pieces
•He's gone to many concerts of many different bands
•He likes to paint his nails pink, blue, and black but when it's pride month he paints them rainbow
•He actually has body and gender dysmorphia but Daisy, Sadie, and Stacy are trying to help him with this.
•He watches twitch streamers (mainly guys)
•He's close with all his siblings
•The thing he said about leaving his younger brother behind in the mall was a lie he came up with to make Sean feel better but it also suited his behavior with them
•He's actually very smart but he just acts stupid
•He's gone to multiple different pride parades with Daisy, Stacy, and Sadie
•He's never told Drew and the others about his sexuality or gender so they don't know or think that he's straight and cis
•His eyes and face structure matches his mother's but his hair and skin tone matches his father and he acts like him too
•He actually has a bunch of pride flags in his room but they are either under his bed or in his closet when he's not going to a pride parade whether they are for him or his friends
•Jake actually knows a lot of his friends secrets but never tells the others unless they're okay with it being told
•He actually still wore cologne before transitioning and everyone back then thought he took his ex's hoodie and wore it all the time
•He actually really likes watching queer movies and tv shows
•His father was actually the one to buy him his first binder
•He likes manga more than anime
•He had a Harry Potter phase
•He likes to listen to Mad Tsai's songs
•He likes his stepmother more than his actual mother
•He actually tries to form good relationships with his teachers
•He actually has pretty good grades (nothing below a C)
•He has unmedicated ADHD, Bulimia, and PTSD
•He had multiple panic and anxiety attacks back then and still does but it less frequent
•Whenever Stacy, Daisy, and Sadie need help with anything Jake's always the one to step up and help
•He has tons of earrings, necklaces, and rings none are like SUPER expensive
•He makes his own earrings here and there with help from Stacy
•Sometimes he'll just walk around the house in his binder and some sweatpants
•He owns tons of makeup
•He owns a couple pairs off heels/boots
•He likes Disney movies but also horror movies
•He used to give out pride flags in middle school and when the school had a problem with it he started giving out pins instead.
•His older sister bought him his first suit
•He listens to music of all genres because he doesn't really care
•He knows everyone in his houses password
•He likes cooking and his pretty good at it
•He likes reading about Medieval Times
•He doesn't like watching violence unless it in a movie or unless it's necessary.
•He likes watching children cartoons
•He owns a couple of cosplays
•He owns a BUNCH of stuffed animals
•He actually came out to his stepmother first
•He likes to read books of all genre
•He likes theme/amusement park
•He made a time capsule back in middle school and completely forgot about it
•He's actually pretty flexible but has never had a reason to show it
•His ex tried to get back with him and he rejected, after that his older siblings were so proud of him that they threw a party
•Thought he was Asexual and Aromantic after his breakup
•Is on the gay side of TikTok (his friends don't know)
•He does most of the chores at home cause he's the only one that doesn't actually have a full time job
•He gets sick often but not too often
•He likes fantasy stories and movies
•His brother was the one who first cut his hair for his transitioning

That's all for now
Also have a picture of Jake before he transitioned:
Deadname: Jade Sterling

That's all for now~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Also have a picture of Jake before he transitioned:Deadname: Jade Sterling

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