Chapter 8

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The next gathering, a few nights later, all of ShadowClan attended again. They had the least cats out of all the Clans now.

Ebonywind noticed that RiverClan also had a new leader; Maplestar. Frostdapple had successfully gone to the Moonpool and returned with nine lives and a new name; Froststar.

"We have to help the Dynasty," Luckystar declared as soon as WindClan arrived.

"I agree. ShadowClan have lost so many cats," Froststar sounded tired, even though she was quite young.

"I agree as well," Maplestar rumbled in his deep voice. "RiverClan have lost Hailstar and we grieve for him. We must help the Dynasty."

"My earlier statement still stands. I am helping the Dynasty," Acornstar insisted.

"Then we will help the Dynasty!" Luckystar yowled.

"I suggest we all send six or seven cats. The rest of the cats will stay," Froststar voiced.

"That is a good idea," Acornstar dipped her head. "I have already decided on my cats. From WindClan, I will send Bramblepelt, Lilystream, Rabbitleap, Sandheart, Wolflight, myself, and of course, Ravenflight."

"Are you sure you want to bring both of your medicine cats?" Luckystar asked, concerned. "What if your Clan needs a medicine cat?"

Acornstar clearly hadn't thought about this, and she looked troubled. "Wolflight can stay behind. Ravenflight must go."

Luckystar went next. "I will go, with Redpaw, Leafsong, Daisypetal and Waterfall."

Ebonywind tilted her head, confused. Why not bring Larkleaf, an older and more experienced medicine cat? Why bring Redpaw, an apprentice medicine cat?

Luckystar clearly noticed the confusion, so spoke again. "Redpaw is close to getting his full name. He is capable of taking care of a few cats. ThunderClan needs Larkleaf, and besides, Larkleaf might struggle to walk that far. Her leg is still not as strong as the other legs."

Oh, I see. She injured a leg when she was younger.

Luckystar is going to die.

Internally, Ebonywind started freaking out.

What?! What do you mean? She's going to die? Why?

I can't tell you more. But prepare yourself, Ebonywind.

But that's so unfair! I'll have to grieve for her!

Grief is not a part of love.

Froststar listed off some cats; Foxtail, as a medicine cat, Pinestone, Doestorm, Silverspots, Willowclaw, herself and Ebonywind. But Ebonywind couldn't listen, she was so confused.

Why is Luckystar going to die?

"Luckystar," Ebonywind suddenly blurted, interrupting Maplestar as he began speaking. "You shouldn't come."

"Why not?" Luckystar looked irritated. "Continue on, Maplestar."

She won't listen.

"-Cedarheart, Minnowsky, Nighttree, Yellowpaw, yes, Yellowpaw, Briarfire has to stay, myself and Amberclaw." Maplestar dipped his head.

"That's settled, then," Luckystar mewed solemnly. "I think we should leave now."

Ebonywind drew in a sharp breath. It made sense. But there was little warning...

All around her, cats began saying goodbye to their loved ones, and preparing for the trip. The medicine cats huddled together, giving advice and instructions to their apprentices and fellow healers.

Then, they set off.

Ebonywind trotted alongside Silverspots, glad to be free again. ShadowClan wasn't her home anymore. It felt different, with Rowanstar gone and Froststar leader.

Silverspots seemed to want to be friends with Ebonywind again, so without speaking, they were friends. Friends til the end.

Beside them, Amberclaw and Minnowsky were trading vicious looks, snarling at each other, sometimes leaping forwards to scratch each other's flanks. Maplestar didn't even notice.

Ravenflight was walking beside Luckystar, head high and fur sleek and shining. She looked like a true leader.

And Dawnmist...

Ebonywind recalled Luckystar's speech as they informed the other Clans about the recent deaths.

"I am sorry to say that Dawnmist has passed on. Not because of the wind spinner. She agreed to go on the mission to save the Dynasty, even though she was sick. She told me she took a turn for the worse on the journey, with so many injuries and little herbs. But she managed to keep it all in and succeed in her journey. Dawnmist was a brave warrior and a good friend. She honoured every cat and strived to help strangers. We will remember her." Luckystar dipped her head, dark blue eyes shining with grief.

Ebonywind had howled her sadness to the sky, Ravenflight and Amberclaw alongside her. Love hadn't been any help.

Now, Dawnmist's absence left a gaping hole in Ebonywind's heart. While Dawnmist had been frustrating and annoying at times, they had been companions. Travelmates.


Every cat was leaving her. First, Dark. Then, Rowanstar and Dawnmist. And according to Love, Luckystar would be leaving her too.

But then another cat popped up in her mind. A brown tom with amber eyes. A tom that wasn't really on the Dynasty's side. A tom that sided with Dark.

Oak. And Ebonywind's disgust for Oak, a traitor, although she could say that about herself, outgrew her grief and left a burning passion in her bones. While she chatted small talk with Silverspots, her determination grew to save her loved ones and friends.

She was the villain of the story. She was the traitor. She was the one who had Love in her and was being influenced. She was the one so weak she couldn't save any cat. But even as despair dragged her down, hope became a bright light.

She would save them, no matter the cost.

A/N kinda a filler chapter but yeah

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