Chapter 2

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Ghostface's pov

This person likes Scream because it's dumb enough to be funny for him? Wtf... I thought about how dumb this man sounded saying that. As I was thinking tho, I heard him sigh with what sounded like either boredom or impatience.

"Are you done?" Y/N asked with the tone of utter boredom.

"Done? Done what?" I asked back, feeling completely confused at this moment.

"I know your thinking about how dumb I sound saying my favorite movies are dumb but funny. I get that a lot..." Y/N said, almost whispering the last sentence to himself. I raised my eyebrow.

"So, change of subject- Can you guess where I am?~" I asked, accidentally making my voice purr. He giggled nervously at this and turned around to lean on the kitchen counter. He bit his lip before answering.

"Uhm, heh.. Are you outside my window, or my door?" He asked with slight giddy.

"Well, if I was behind the door, would I be able to see you lean up against the counter and bite your lip?~" I said, purring on purpose this time.

Y/N jumped slightly, looking nervous. He moved away from the counter and went to the front door. I thought he was locking it, but he twisted it and it locked, then he turns it the other way and opens it. What is he doing? I wondered, then he closed the door and walked away to do the same thing to all the windows and doors in the house.

"What are you doing...?" I asked, unconsciously showing the confusion in my voice. He chuckled adorably at my confused tone.

"Making it easier for me to escape. My guess is that you're already inside. Either that or you're at my kitchen window." He stated rather than asking.

"Clever~" I said, opening the window above the kitchen sink. I sat like a cat, holding a knife in my right hand while the phone was up to my ear in my left hand. It felt weird, but it wasn't that uncomfortable surprisingly. I wouldn't mae it a habit though.

Y/N flinched but didn't move. Instead he took a newer phone out and held it up. I struggled to see what he as doing, but when I realized it was too late. He took a picture...


"...Pfft-" Y/N snickered and I was slightly irritated now.

"YOU FUCKING BI-" I started angerly, throwing my arms down in anger.

"LANGUAGE!" He yelled. That's it.

I launched off the counter at him and he spun around so fast he tripped on his foot and sent himself flying across the room sideways. His arms were flailing every direction and for a few seconds it felt like I was watching him fly in slow motion. The only things that came to my mind were 1, ~A pOtAtO fLeW aRoUnD mY rOoM~, and 2, What the actual fuck did I just cause...??

A/N!!!: (Sorry if this chapter was also short like the last one, or shorter, I did this within less that an hour or two... Or was it half an hour? 🤔 Eh, whatever ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
TILL THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! {P.S. I post a chapter when someone comments, not if they vote, I like hearing the cute and funny things you guys say, also I wouldn't mind getting some ideas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)})

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