Chapter 13

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Warning, this contains seggzual themes. Oooh, so scary 😱(No seriously it's kinda cringe, I'd just ignore this one XD)

Billy's pov

[Yep. I was right..]

I was tied to the bed with my arms together above my head, Y/N was sitting on top of my stomach. He was finishing the bowtie on the ropes that just really wasn't necessary.

"Are you really doing this to me right now?"  I ask, raising my eyebrow up at him.

"Yep! Can't have you tryana take over in the middle of it!" He giggles, usually I'd find it weird or unsettling, but it really wasn't that bad. It was kinda cute actually, made me not hate the situation as much. He kept his promise about the weapons tho though. They're all in a box across the room labeled 'Don't touch' and he doesn't seem too interested in them hopefully.

Y/N's pov

When I finished tying his hands above his head I got up off him and wiggled off he bed. He watched me as I went over and grabbed some scissors, coming back over and leaning over the bed. I slip the dress between the scissors at his chest and slice all the way down to his stomach. I crawled onto the bed and snipped the arms loose before tossing the scissors across the room onto my desk. I crawl down to the foot of the bed and grab the dress, pulling it off him from the bottom, leaving him in boxers and heels.

"You do know I would have undressed myself, right?" He sounded a bit disappointed but looked relived, probably because he might have thought I'd cut him lol.

"Oh shush, unless you want me to tie you to a chair and overestimate you instead? Overstimate? Overestimate?..... Uhhhhhh.. You know what I mean" I go over to him and straddle him, leaning down above him. This is about the only time I'll be taller than him, I take pride in that. He does in fact get quiet though after my little threat, kinda sad tbh, that would have been fun.. Oh well!

I then start to kiss his neck, starting at the bottom where his collarbone is and moving up across it to the top, about under his jaw, in a diagonal patern. Then I begin licking his jaw teasingly, mainly to see if he'd get grossed out or not, which he didn't, before sitting up and scooting down and pulling his boxers off to reveal his hard on. Tbh, I expected him to be much smaller than me. That's disappointing..

"What?" I look up when I hear Billy speak, he was going me a look that I didn't quite understand and I tilted my head confused

"What what?" I arch my eyebrow to emphasize my confusion to his very undetailed question.

"What do you mean what what?! Why are you looking at my dick like your disappointed?!" Ohhhhhh, that's why. I must've been making a frowny face, oops.

"I was expecting a tictac, ngl.." I quite litterly mumble before chuckling in slight embarrassment. I mean seriously, who gets disappointed in someone having a small dick? Oh yeah, people who've been fucked with a big dick. It hurts. A lot. No matter what gender you are. And unless you're suuuuper sexually active, then good luck trying to get used to a big dick. I'm just glad he's just 7 inches instead of 11 like the fand- Shit fourth wall, sorry-

"Wha- WHY WOULD YOU THINK I HAVE A- Get off." He snaps me out of my thoughts when he speaks again and I smile, not out of having fun, nah. Just that nervous smile.

"No no, we're doing this! I'm sorry, most guys are just small, I apologize.." I chuckle and get off the bed, taking off the suit carefully. I can rip and ruin dresses day and night, they're cheap and easy for me to make and fix. But suits? Fuck no. They're expensive as shit and I have NO idea how to fix one properly if it got ruined. And this is my only one so-

After I took the suit off and folded it up I got back onto the bed, to which Billy had looked away cause he probably noticed he was staring at me the entire time. Not like he could do much else though, he's kind of tied down at the moment. He seemed a bit out of the mood though, that kind of upsets me, so!

"Sorry for the wait, I'm not rich enough to ruin that suit.." I lean down, to his confusion, and then nibble on his nipple a little bit, sitting over his thighs and grabbing the base of his cock, my hand lightly pulsing on it for a warm up. I put my free hand on the bed just for some support while I lap my tongue at his nipple a few times, making it go erect and warning a few grunts and stiffled groans from the man below. I glance up at him, meeting his gaze to see his already flushed face while he had his jaw clenched, probably to quiet himself. I then release his poor reddened nipple, drawing a string of saliva that broke as I pulled my head away to sit up. Now I leaned over to grab some lube off the shelf, taking my hand of his dick and pouring a good amount into my palm before rubbing it onto his dick, starting at the tip and letting it drip and drizzle down before I slid my hand down and started moving it up and down slowly, half teasing him, half lubing him up to make it less painful for me. At the start of it he jolted, obviously from the cold liquid, but then quickly threw his head back and softly moaned, precum already seeping from himself.

"Wow, who knew youd be so fucking noisy, we haven't even started yet and you've already moaned a couple times~" I chuckle and finally stop rubbing his dick, moving up and putting one hand on his chest while I held his dick steady underneath myself, getting positioned. Fuck, I forgot to stretch-

At that thought I plopped down, the sudden weight and pressure popping the tip of him and a bit more inside like a- Yeah I don't know, it fucking hurt. So I bit my lip, internally screaming as I helt my breath tightly while tears pricked the corners of my eyes. I kept still, which was hard considering I still had a bit of a buzz. Or more. Whatever, after a couple of seconds I couldn't hold myself into that position and lifted myself up a bit, letting out a shaky breath that slightly sounded like a whimper at the end, which definitely caught his attention.

"You good?" I glance up to see Billy smirking- no. He was grinning. He shifted his hips, bucking them up as probably the best teasing thing he could do at the moment and I glared down at him.

"I'm fine, but if you keep that up you'll end up with half the size you were born with." That made him stop, which, I really wanted to laugh, but I bit my lip and decided to move down again, to try getting used to his size.

That took fucking forever! I had to add lube like 5 more damn times, which I'm probably fucking filled with it at this point! God this probably would have gone faster if he wasn't tied up- But then again, I'd also probably get ripped as well.. Anyway, I finally got used to him for the most part, enough so that I can move without fucking fighting back tears. What? I don't get fucked much, I stay inside my house all day every day and most everyone I see is usually online or visiting family. I take a good breath and begin moving up and down, but that's when I glance down and realize how fucking plain his skin is asside from a few old scars from stab and shot wounds. I gotta fix that. I lean down and bite his neck hard, earning a cry followed by a "What the fuck?!" which makes me chuckle, clamping my teeth down onto his rough skin and leaving a nice bite mark before releasing and moving down to suck on his collarbone. As I moved down, sucking and leaving hickeys on his skin, I start moving faster, reaching up and putting my hand on the bed beside his chest as the other rested over his abdomen, I started hearing pants and moans from above me. It really wasn't long before I sat up, lifting myself up almost all the way off him and looking down at his now canvas of a body covered in my hickeys, I dropped myself down, moaning loudly, and half screaming cause it was slightly painful. The sound was almost matched by Billy's own loud moan, his body shifting as he slightly arched his back, for the first time struggling with the binds on his arms. I wasn't done though, I continue bouncing, purposefully clenching a couple times just to hear a few more loud moans from Billy.


(And that's where I leave this offffff It's late and I'm FUCKING TIRED. Also, I don't write sex without rping, and the only other story that I wrote hat has sex is the one with quackity and wilbur. And I don't even remember writing that. Like, at all. So. Yeah. Anyway, here's that chapter you've all been waiting for, ik I said I wasn't gonna have a warning, but I personally thought this was cringe. So yeah. Gbyeeee bitchesssssss✌)
(I kept writing Billie, as in Billie Eilish 😭)

Bruv, this WAS bad. I could do better

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