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Hey guys I'm back again
Hope u all enjoy it. Sorry for any spelling errors.

Omniscient POV:
1 month later..

Emma sat in her math class, bored out of her mind. She finished all her work and didn't have anything to do and her not having any friends sucked because she didn't have anyone to talk to

Despite her being super friendly and easygoing, still, nobody tried to hang out with her in fear of her older brother, which she hated because she just wanted a friend in school to hang with

While Emma sat in her thoughts someone came and sat next to her, pulling her back to reality, to say she was shocked was an understatement

Emma looked at the black-haired girl for a second not sure what to say or do

"Are you going to keep staring or say hello?" the girl asked which caused Emma to get flustered from embarrassment

"H-hi! My name is Emma, nice to meet you, what's yours?" she waved "Araki, nice to meet you too" the girl said with a small smile

"I love your hair and the little pigtails it's really cute! I didn't think they allowed having highlights in your hair during school?" she asked because, in Japan, you were only allowed to have your natural hair color, no dyes

"They don't but I don't really care" Emma was now intrigued by Araki and definitely wanted to be friends and she wasn't going to let her brother get in the way

"Well, that's cool! I like you can we be friends?" Emma said shyly "Uh yeah sure I don't see why not" Araki said which made Emma's smile grow even bigger


Emma and Araku spent the whole rest of class talking and getting to know each other and they had a lot of fun

The bell rang signaling the start of lunch. Both girls made their way to find an area to sit and eat

While they were walking they could hear whispers and people staring, one comment caught Araki's attention though

"I can't believe that girl is hanging out with Emma, doesn't she know that's a bad thing? She's going to get killed!"

"Hey Emma, why are people staring?" Araki asked, she was new to the area and didn't have any knowledge of the gangs or who Emma's family was so she was confused

"Um, it's because of me.. Well, my brother, he has a reputation in this area.." "Oh well, how bad can your brother be for everyone to be talking?"

Emma looked at her sadly before she started explaining who her brother was what he did and why everyone was so shocked she wanted to hang around her

"I don't have any friends in school because of this even though Mikey doesn't care that much" Araki nodded her head at the information she had just given

"Well I don't really care either, what your brother does, doesn't really define you as a person and you're pretty cool to hang with so a few stares aren't any trouble if that's what your thinking"

Emma was happy that Araku didn't run away after finding out and still wanting to be friends with her

"That means so much to me Araki! You are the best!" Emma jumped around and pulled Araki into a big hug; which she returned


Araki and Emma spent the rest of the school day chatting and hanging out, now it was time to head home

"Hey Emma how do you get home?" Araki asked

"My brother comes to pick me up sometimes, sometimes I walk" She replied and Araki nodded "Is he coming today?"

Emma looked down at her phone which pinged a message from her older brother saying 'im here'

"Yeah he's just outside waiting, I want to introduce you guys!"

Emma grabbed Araki's hand and led her to the front where her brother, Draken, and 3 other toman members stood on their bikes waiting for her

Some members went to her school so they always kept an eye on her but never tried to engage with her for fear of Mikey

In truth, some found her to be really cute but didn't want to get on the bad side of their boss

Getting to where her brother was Emma smiled and she saw Draken, they'd been speaking nonstop every day and she was starting to fall in love with him

"Hey Mikey! Look I made a friend in school today can you believe that?!" Emma practically yelled in her brother's face

"That's cool Emma, can we go? There's a meeting soon" Mikey said looking at Araki nodding his head in approval

"Yeah, Araki do you want to come? We can hang some more" Emma said

"Yeah sure, where are we going?"

"To Musashi Shrine" Mikey responded

"Well okay then let's go"

"Uh you can ride with Mikey, I'll go with Draken, don't be scared either he won't let anything happen to you" Emma smiled as she helped Araki get on Mikey's bike

After that she made her way toward Draken and got on his bike "Hey Draken how are you?" She said, "Hey, I'm good, and you?"


They talked all the way to the Shrine, Emma never stopped smiling the whole way

Getting off she met back up with Araki who looked around at all the kids at the shrine in amusement

"Your brother controls all of these boys? How does he do it?" she asked

"My big bros really strong" she said, Emma loved her brother dearly and looked up to him

Mikey wasn't that much older than Emma but she always saw him as a role model as well as their big brother Shinichiro

"Okay its time to head in, this is my favorite part watch this!"

Emma held on to Araki's hand as they walked up the stairs

Hundreds of boys lined up along both sides bowing as Mikey and his friends walked by greeting them

When they got to the top Araki and Emma found a corner and sat while Mikey started the Toman meeting

"I see now why everyone fears your brother, sitting here watching him and his high authority makes me shiver a bit, cool" Araki said watching how Mikey's energy radiated the whole area

So cool..


The meeting finally ended after about an hour and now Araki was standing alongside Emma with the Toman leaders

Araki noticed that Emma and Draken kept stealing glances at each other the whole time and that got her a bit curious

"Hey Emma, are you dating Draken?"

Emma's cheeks flushed red as she got flustered "No! At least not yet"

"That's interesting, I knew you guys had something going on by the way you look at each other"

"Yeah it's a long story, and I'll tell you all about it" Emma smiled at her friend and intertwined their hands together as they began walking away


Its been wayyyy too long since I updated.. I didn't know where I was going with this book and still kind of don't but Ima wing it 😀

Thoughts? Comments?

I'll update soon!! Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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