Look at that, glitchy and 3D drawings.. destroyed.

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10 minutes later, mince woke up and woke unima and Mina up. They both were annoyed after mince woke them both up, and they weren't tired anymore. Mince pointed out at the window, and they all saw the virus was gone, but 3D, and glitchy art. They were confused. Mince: "guys, what are you gonna do!?" Unima:"Ughhh.. I just wanna fly for once. At least that white thing can't fly.. and you guys have wings! Why not fly." Mince and Mina: "what if it can build itself up to the sky to get us?" Unima: "your right. Just, let's be careful." Mince: "okay." Mina: "Yes sir." They all brushed their teeth, then watched TV. Unima:"hey, I wonder, how did that weird white grey thing come here?" Mince: "I don't know. It's weird on how it's not a drawing and it's 3D. Also glitchy." Mina: "it's a virus, probably." Mince and Unima: "your right." So, they got dressed after watching TV, after they got dressed, they watched more TV and ate ice cream.

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