Chapter 29

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"Mom? Dad? Yelena? We're here!" Natasha says

"I don't they're here." Steve says

"You're right." Natasha says and took off her coat. "Seems like we got some private time."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and his rested on her waist. Natasha stood on her toes and kissed him, or he kissed her, anyways, they were kissing. They were kissing until a loud cough was heard.

"Hello?" Yelena says

"Hey!" Natasha says

"Steven." Yelena says

"Good to see you too." Steve says

"What are you doing here?" Yelena asks

"He's spending his vacation here, with us." Natasha says

"Why?" Yelena asks

"We're back together." Natasha says and Steve hugged Natasha from behind.

"You're what?" Melina asks while entering the house.

"We'll tell you all about it during dinner." Natasha says

"Welcome back Steve." Alexei says

"Thank you, sir." Steve says

"We're gonna unpack." Natasha says

The two left upstairs and into their room. As soon as Natasha closed the door she pushed Steve on the bed.

"It's been almost a month since we last slept together and because I'm pregnant my hormones are going crazy, also I'm honry as hell so please have sex with me." Natasha says

"You sure? Like right now? We just got back together and I want to take it slow." Steve says

"I'm three months pregnant and in six months I have to push this baby out of me. You owe me." Natasha says

"I do, but not right now. How about after dinner?" Steve says

"Fine, but you will unpack our stuff. Mama needs to eat." Natasha says ans grabbed a bag of chips from her suitcase.

"You took that with you?" Steve asks as he got off the bed.

"My parents don't like snacks, I have to eat in secret." Natasha says and put chips in her mouth.


"So, how did you two get back together?" Yelena asks

"I gave Steve his Christmas gift and he ran outside to get me back." Natasha says

"That's so sweet. What did she give you?" Melina says

"Umh, well, we have an announcement." Steve says and grabbed Natasha's hand.

"I'm pregnant." Natasha says

"That's amazing!" Yelena says

"Before marriage?" Alexei says

"Well, that's the second thing." Natasha says

"I proposed to Natasha and she said yes." Steve says

"Oh, well this is wonderful!" Melina says

"So you're not a size 10?" Yelena asks

"No, that's my baby belly." Natasha says

"You're already showing?" Melina asks

"I'm three months pregnant, mom." Natasha says

"So, you're probably not going to the slopes with us." Alexei says

"Sadly, no. I don't fit in my outfit anymore and since I'm throwing up a lot it feels best to stay here." Natasha says

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