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ꜰʀɪᴅᴀʏ, ᴏᴄᴛᴏʙᴇʀ 13ᴛʜ
1:30 ᴀᴍ


you flinched hard as your friend, janelle startled you by screaming because you both were watching a horror movie. you rolled your eyes at her in annoyance.

it was friday the 13th and she forced you to watch scary movies with her. you sighed heavily as you unlocked your phone with your face id. as you got on instagram and started strolling to see what was interesting online.

janelle noticed your disinterest and paused the movie. "you alright?" she asked in concern.

"yeah, i'm just not feeling this movie anymore," you responded, reaching into the big bowl and getting some popcorn to shove in your mouth. you continued strolling on your phone until you got bored and shut your phone off.

you dramatically sighed again as you stretched your body to get up from the sofa. "eren's throwing this big party on the night of halloween and i really want you to go with me." janelle begged but she started pouting when she saw you suck your teeth and roll your eyes. "you know how much i hate parties." you whined.

"i know, but i think this is a great opportunity for you to make more friends!" she tried reasoning with you. "mmcht, i'll think about it," you mumbled and started to walk towards the stairs.

"i'm finna go to bed, goodnight." you said while yawning. "i love you!!" she excitingly said. "yeah, yeah," you replied, rolling your eyes playfully while smirking a bit.

as you closed the door to your room, you walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. as you finished doing your night routine, you walked out of the bathroom and halted in the middle of the room, suddenly getting goosebumps. you couldn't help but have an unpleasing feeling in your gut that something bad was going to happen soon.

you decided to shake off the weird feeling and get in bed. you yawn loudly and turn over and close your eyes.


"you need anything while i'm in walmart?" you asked janelle since you were already on the phone with her. "can you get me takis, led lights and a tub of ice cream?" she said. "that's it?" you questioned. "mhm, i'm sure." she said. "alright then, ion wanna hear you whining later when you say you forgot needed something else." you sternly said. janelle chucked at your seriousness. "i promise that's it!" she assured.

"ok well imma talk to you later, bye." you said as you hung up the phone and walked to the freezer section with a hand basket. you got the ice cream and some other things out of the freezers.

after 15 minutes of getting other things, you headed over to the electronics to get the led lights. as you were turning a corner, you bumped into a hard chest and you immediately look up to lock eyes with the stranger when you saw a familiar face already looking at you.

"armin?" you said with surprise. "y/n? how've you been?" armin curiously asked. "i've been good." you told him as the conversation got awkward.

armin was your highschool ex. y'all were dating from sophomore to junior year when you both suddenly broke up because of armin's anger issues.

he nearly beat your other ex to death one night at a party. he was drunk and came onto you. it got armin so riled up... something in him snapped. his fists were bloody as he broken his nose. the quarterback fell to the floor harshly from the impact.

everyone had gathered around to watch, but wasn't trying to stop the fight. after a few minutes, eren tackled armin off of the injured teen as eren pulled him out of the house.

after the party, you and armin had an heated argument. dried blood was still splattered on his face, fists, and clothes. in fear, you broke up with him. you had never seen him like that and it scared you. it made you think that eventually he would do the same to you.

you cleared your throat as you rocked on your feet. "have you been going to anger management classes?" you questioned.

"yeah, i'm getting better." that was a lie. you softly smiled at him. "that's good." he nodded in agreement with your words. you looked at your phone because someone was spamming you with messages. as expected, it was janelle rushing you but told you stop at wingstop before coming home.

"so who's the lucky guy?" armin asked, jealousy slightly lacing his tone. you didn't pick up on it so you simply replied "it's my friend." you said vaguely. he was taken aback by your sudden coldness.

armin "accidentally" saw you put in your password to unlock your phone. he opened his phone and went to his notes to put your passcode there if he forgot it.

you sighed and shut your phone off. "it was nice meeting you again and all, but i need to finish running errands." you softly said. hearing that, armin got upset but he didn't let it show. "oh yeah, me too." he nodded.

his facade quickly faded when you walked away. he decided to follow you around the store at a distance, not wanting to draw any attention to himself. after you left the store, he followed you home. armin was going to execute his plan soon. nothing was going to get in his way.

i don't really like chapter
but it's ight ig...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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