The room.

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Quebec was sitting in a room by herself, scrolling through Tiktok, looking at all the other nations having fun. She was jealous, envious even. She has been stuck in her room for so long—no access to the outside world. 

It was her fault really, another independence rally, another lost movement. She couldn't live like this. She had stolen Canada's phone, but it wasn't enough. She needed to get out of here.

She ruffled her wings and spread them entirely apart, knocking over furniture in the process. They ended up spanning 7 meters in total. They were silky white with spots of a dark brown everywhere like paint spatter. They were incredibly sleek and powerful. Many had described them as beautiful. They were going to be her escape.

A knock at the door alerted her to her senses. She walked over and slowly opened the door, closing her wings. She looked at the person who had begun to visit her, Ontario.
She haltingly spoke to him. 

"Why are you here, I thought you would be leisurely up in your fancy loft in Ottawa thinking of all the money you'll be making since I've failed."

Ontario looked a bit uncomfortable at her statement, but he maintained his posture. Looking around the house, then back to her golden eyes.

"I'm here to say that we missed you and you didn't have to do this sis. Look Canada is ready to forgive you if you'd just apologize for once."

Quebec let out a low hiss and scraped her talons on the hardwood doorframe. It made an evil screeching sound and Ontario had to momentarily pause.

"Quebec! You can't keep playing these childish games! Everyone is sick of your goddamn attitude and you've fucked up everything for everyone! QUEBEC! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SAY YOU'RE SORRY!"

Ontario's voice raised to a distressed wail, great, she had made him upset. It didn't matter anyways. She knew her brother barely liked her, especially since the little "stunt" she had pulled, but now she had made him upset, which was never her goal.

Ah well, it is my fault, but he's suffered enough for my actions.

She thought silently, fidgeting with her hair, she then made eye contact with Ontario slowly. Looking directly into his also gold eyes. She brushed her wing gently against his shoulder.

"Okay....I'll apologize."

She said warmly, giving Ontario a half smile as he wished her goodbye and went on his way. 

This settled it...She was leaving tonight.

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