Chapter Twelve~~~***

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After gathering my sanity back, I let out a shaky breath as I stand up with the support of the wall. Italy seemed extremely worried for my safety and possibly my sanity but to get him off my case I simply straightened up my figure and walked forward, " Let's check the first floor." I ordered.

The two waited for a moment before following not to far behind. My boots scuffed the floor before I stopped at the top of the stair case to hear a loud screeching sound. It was the monster.

I slowly unsheathed my sword and quickly made my way down the stairs while Germany and Italy followed right behind. After I turned the corner I could hear loud gunshots, that must be from America.

My feet lifted up so I could run towards the sound, sprinting as fast as I could before skidding to a stop when I see America, Japan and England sprinting like their lives depended on it towards my direction.

" Don't just stand there you git! this ones bloody huge! we have to get far away from it!" shouts England as he runs towards us.

I gripped my sword even tighter and didn't have to let a second thought dread my mind. My feet started moving, sprinting in the direction while some of the others tried to yell or stop me.

When I reached the area they were in, the room seemed to be Japanese styled from the looks of it. But I couldn't look the entire time before dodging a punch from the beast. This one looked different from the others....much bigger but had an ugly ass face. It's fanged teeth growled at me while it's saliva dripped from the side of it's mouth.

" You sick bastard. I'm glad you could wait for me so I could come and slice off that ugly face of yours...I'm going to be doing you a favor..." I hissed at it.

The beast growled, barring it's claws at me like a Freddy horror movie. Our fight consisted of me dodging any throwing attacks he had at me while diverting his claws that tried to sever my skin from it's bones.

Once I saw an opened door, it was dark but I think that it could work if I lowered him in there. I narrowed my gaze at the thing before baiting it, throwing books or vases at it which either bounced off or shattered.

He lunged at me and luckily I dodged it but before I could react he had already gripped on my leg pulling me down the staircase which had no railing, I caught onto the edge and could hear my sword dropping to the bottom of the darkened staircase.

The sound of ticking became so apparent, but I couldn't focus on that because this thing had a tight grip on my leg and it wasn't going to let go anytime soon. I could hear the sounds of Germany and Italy yelling my name, plus the other three from before.

" Over.....Here...." I forced out, still trying to hold onto the ledge.

America noticed and quickly ran over to try and help me up before his eyes widened and he quickly pulled out his gun while Germany and Italy held onto my hands to try and pull me up, all worried and terrified.

" It's okay Kate-chan! we will help you up!" shouted Japan.

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