So You Know I Care

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[Y/n's POV]

I woke up to an empty bed. Which wasn't unusual for me anymore, but it still ached. I pulled my silk robe around my naked body and traipsed down the stairs to be hit by the usual smell of coffee and whiskey, that I'm met with every morning. It's a smell you never forget.

"Good morning, beautiful." I smiled and kissed Cordelia's temple gently, as I reached behind her for the milk to start on my own tea.

"Mhm," she hummed and left the kitchen to go back upstairs.

I let out a sigh and wiped a stray tear from my cheek, as I poured the milk into my drink. I looked over to Cordelia's bottle and considered slipping some of the warm alcohol into my own beverage, but shook my head at the idea. I'd promised someone a long time ago that I would never damage myself that way.

Cordelia was at work later on, meaning I had the afternoon to myself. I smiled at the thought, knowing I could start to tackle the back garden. I wondered if next door would mind giving me a cutting from their butterfly bush for me to try to propagate it. Maybe I could go and meet them later, actually.

"Goodbye love, enjoy your day," I said quietly and kissed my wife on her lips, our skin barely brushing.

She left without a word.

I stood in silence for a moment, not wanting to think about the distance she had created, but I failed in blocking the thoughts and another tear slipped past my eyelashes.

Once dressed and ready for the day, I trudged out into the back garden with my trowel and started digging a huge hole in the centre. When I was happy with the size, I walked back inside, grabbed my keys and made a quick stop at the garden centre, picking out a huge lilac bush, before heading home again.

I thought about going next door and saying hi, but decided I could do so after my lilac bush was planted in the garden. I settled it neatly in the hole and covered it over again, smiling at the happiness the flower gave me.

If she could see it, I knew she'd have been happy with it.

[Wilheminas POV]

I was sat in the armchair, like every other day, staring out of the window in complete silence, trying to sort out my mind. But today, instead of the usual silence I was used to, the noise started from next door again. It wasnt loud, but it was enough to disrupt my thoughts completely.

I stood up and dragged my armchair over to the window slowly, so I could watch what was happening.

Y/n looked miserable, something about her had changed. She seemed sadder then before. I had no intention of going over to her house and asking why, but I couldn't help myself from wondering.

I didnt want to look away, I knew it was creepy for me to just stare at her, but i couldnt take my eyes off of her.

I didnt even notice she was gone for a moment. Her garden was empty, and I found myself missing her almost instantly.

She wasnt long though, and she came back with a huge lilac bush. I smiled subconsciously and watched as she planted the bush into the soil.

So she does remember.

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