The Hunter Races

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Pre-Born -

Description: Wolves not affected by anything from the Nuke age. They are extremely rare, but are far more superior then any other wolf.

Looks: Silver, black or white pelt colour, brown, black and blue eyes.

Abilities: Very good cooperation between packmates, a good amount of speed.

Mystic Paws -

Description: A breed of wolves who mainly uses the arts of magic, they have learned magic since the age of the wild city.

Looks: White, black or blue pelts.

Abilities: The art of magic, which is split into Fire, Water and Earth magic. As well as Light and Darkness

Blaze Fangs -

Description: A breed of wolves that control fire as there second nature, they have come to existence in New Dawn Era.

Looks: Black and red pelts, medium build

Abilities: Uses fire

Silk Hounds -

Description: Vegetarian, peace loving wolves, the first that ever made it into existence is the ending of the Great Wolf War

Looks: White, green and/or blue pelts.

Abilities: unknown

Sky Fangs -

Description: Deadly and fast! The only type of wolves that grew wings came as one of the three that emerged from the Nuke Age.

Looks: Blue, red and white pelt colour.

Abilities: Can fly, very fast, smaller build.

Earth Hounds -

Description: Heavy and strong, these brown wolves are one of the original 3 races that emerged from the Nuke Age

Looks: Dark Brown pelts, big paws. Large build

Abilities: Hardy and strong, can move boulders.

River Paws -

Description: Stealthy and fast, these sneaky wolves swam and was discovered during the Great Wolf War.

Looks: Blue, green or grey pelts, small build

Abilities: can breathe underwater, can swin really fast undetected and are the best sneakers

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