First day of school

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I woke up to my brother screaming  give back his  phone. I'm 15 I need my sleep but this year is different my 2 year of high school and I'm gonna be ok. I here my mom screaming at my sibling to shut up. I always felt like I don't belong here. He is 17 he is older there all mean to me. I'm fine school is my getaway they wont let me outside besides school. My names Alexis and my brothers max. I have to walk cause he gets the car. It's raining but I'm walking there suddenly I got some like stares from a boy he ran and handed me a umbrella. Hey girl u look cold here take this umbrella oh and here my sister wanted me to donate this but take it u need it. Thanks for the change of clothes, also before you go what's ur name. Names lake grey and you m,lady. I'm Alexis..well I gotta get to school mom will kill me if I'm late. As I walked off I realized his name I think I heard it somewhere wasn't that the guy my bff told me the lost princess was close with. Her best-friend, wait my mom ain't royal. I finally made it to school I was 20 minutes late hope I'm ok, but knowing my brother likes to come in class and tell the teacher on me and make my life miserable. Hello mrs brown, sorry I was late was some rain and I had to walk here. Oh it's fine I get it was raining dear. that was odd she is always rude to me. We have a new kid my nephew, lake grey and students he looked at files of someone long ago and apparently they go here so he needs clues right now. He looked at me and smiled as if we've met long ago. After school I had to go home early and realized i was being followed. I was scared and ran home. Then I saw dar black hair and green eyes. Why are you following me lake. Do u remember a river called saint blues. I've heard of it my mom said I was forbidden to go there as dangerous people were looking for me. What's your middle name Alexis. It's Victoria -Anne. Alex!! Wait lame lake ? But my mom said I- I wasn't special. I remember you, I haven't been taking my pills. THEY MUST MAKE ME FORGET!!oh u see my brother crap go home we will talk tomorrow with mrs brown. Ok bye Alex.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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