A Vampire Romance

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Time to feed!"

They went through the portal that connected the vampire world to the human world.

"I smell humans."

The sound of a car on a deserted road by the woods could be heard. They knew what to do. Roman

ran in front of the car, making it crash into a tree and knocking all the passengers out. They opened the

car doors, bit the passengers' necks, and drank until they were satisfied, and the 2 passengers were

dead. With the delicious taste of blood in their mouths, they looked for more prey, so they would have enough food during the daytime when they went back to their world so they would not be burnt in the sun. Not long later flashing lights and sirens arrived to check on the injured couple. There were 2 teenagers there. One of them was a blonde-haired girl wearing pink, she looked like she had just come from a party. She was gorgeous! Tears were running down her beautiful face! For it had been her and her brother's parents that had been killed. The doctors brought out 2 stretchers and collected the couple. After a few minutes, they all started leaving. Ron wanted to follow them. For he felt a connection with her. He had to follow them, so he did, and his brother tried to stop him but could not.

"Ron. Where are you going?" Roman, Ron's older brother asked.

"I'm following them."

"What! Are you crazy! You cannot do that!"

"Why not?"

"It's nearly twilight!"

"I'll be careful! I will stay in the forest!"

"Why do you want to follow them anyway?"

"I feel a connection to this girl. It is different. I just need some time to figure out what it is."

"You have 5 days. We will meet back here at midnight. Be safe, brother!"

"Oh, I will! I promise to bring plenty of prey when I come back!"

Ron followed the girl, he had to fade to catch up to them. He hid out in the woods overnight.

Meanwhile, Roman went back to the vampire world. The vampires gathered on his return expecting prey.

Wheres Ron?

Why have you come back empty-handed?

Ron decided to stay out longer to find more prey.

Why didnt you stay with him?

He told me to come back. He said he might be out until midnight tomorrow.

They all gasped.

Thats dangerous!

He could get caught!

I warned him of the dangers, but he didnt listen and told me to come back.

Roman did not tell the rest of the vampires because it was his job to get his brother to see reality again. If he could not then he would have failed, his secret mission. If the other vampires found out that Ron had fallen in love with a human, then he would be considered a disgrace and be banished from the vampire world for life/eternity. He could not let that happen, not to his little brother! It was his job to protect him!

Ron followed the girl home. He had faded to catch up. They stopped at a hospital, the group got out of the vehicles, went inside, and Ron invisibly followed behind. Vampires had invisibility powers. Ron followed a safe distance behind the group even though he was invisible. They went into a room that had two beds, a couch, 2 chairs, a tv, and some medical equipment.

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