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Thomas, the library's resident eagle, let out a screech as he flew back to the front desk from his rounds to inform me that there were no stragglers. Smiling, I waited until he landed on his golden perch and stroked his gold and brown feathers gently. Thomas let out a series of chirps and rubbed his large beak against my hand. Though I knew it was coming, I couldn't help but gasp when he attempted to clamp down on my hand with his beak.

"You stupid bird!" I yelped before stepping away.

Hopping about on his perch, he watched me with intense brown eyes, waiting for me to expose his dinner. I went into the fridge in the back room to grab the large bowl of raw meat wrapped tightly in aluminium foil. Once I returned to the front desk to uncover the container, Thomas glided over to land on my shoulder, his talons barely digging into my skin.

"Go on. I know you're starving, huh?"

I watched the bird devour the chunks of meat, noting how peaceful he looked. Being alone with this lovely creature before closing up was one of the best parts of working at the library besides having access to the hundreds of thousands of books that were collected by the Cole family. Though, of course, the sassy raptor was always quick to get on my nerves when he was hungry.

The giant grandfather clock hanging on the wall behind the enormous mahogany desk began to ring eleven times, alerting me that it was finally time to lock up and leave. Fortunately for me, Thomas had finished his food in time so I could put him back in his cage without any argument. Grabbing my things, I double checked that everything was in its designated place and blew a kiss at Thomas.

"Goodnight, darling."

The high pitched whistle I received made me smile as I stepped into the elevator and rode it down to the car garage in the basement. It was quiet in the park as I was the only one there, the only sound to be heard was the clicking of my heels against the pavement. I couldn't wait to get to my car so I could finally take this tight ponytail down.

As I got closer and closer to my car, I felt my skin begin to tingle. You know that feeling you get when you feel someone watching you but you can't see them? Yeah, that's how I felt at that moment.

I picked up my pace, hoping to find safety in my vehicle. Little did I know I was about to walk right into the devil's trap.

When I laid eyes on my white Range Rover, I felt like I could breathe a little easier. A weight had been lifted off my chest as I pressed the unlock button on the fob and watched the lights flash.

Opening the back door, I placed my lunch bag and purse on the floor. I shrugged off my long brown jacket and tossed it over the carseat before taking a step back and shutting the car door. My soul nearly left my body as I noticed a dark figure standing behind me in the reflection of the tinted windows. Golden droplets of light seemed to bore into the back of my head, sending chills down my spine until I froze.

"Melissa, darling." A low voice growled as the figure leaned closer to breathe in my natural scent. My eyes rolled back as I clenched my fingers into a fist at my side. I hated what that voice did to me.

I spun around and pressed myself against the door, reaching for the knife beneath my skirt as I stared into the eyes of my darkest enemy. He smirked down at me with perfectly white teeth, sharp canines glistening against his full bottom lip.

"Go away, you ass."

"Well, hello to you too, beautiful."

Rolling my eyes, I stepped out of his cage and made my way around to the driver's side without uttering another word to him. I flinched away when I felt a spark leap onto my finger as I reached for the car handle to get in and leave. My gaze turned into a harsh glare when I noticed the man leaning against the hood of my car.

The Librarian {18+}Where stories live. Discover now