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*buzz buzz buzz*

My alarm goes off at 12:00PM, I had already been awake for a bit because I fell asleep earlier than usual last night. It's fine, I go in earlier today anyway. My shift starts at 2:00PM. I eat, get dressed (same exact outfit as yesterday, pigtails and all), and get to work at 1:15PM. I want to buy a few things, and I only have time to do so before my shift. As I get off my car, I can hear laughter like last night. I look across the partly empty parking lot and see a group of guys. I think it's the same guys from last night. What are they doing? And why here? It's a parking lot plaza of a shopping center that has a thrift store, pizza place, gym, and 99 Cent store. Not very fun if you ask me. 

It's none of my business, so I just walk into the store and grab some shirts, skirts, and dresses. I typically don't wear pants because I find them so restricting. I go through the line and have 8 minutes to put my bag in the car and clock in. I approach my car and see the group of guys are now closer to the thrift store. They are hanging around a couple cars a row and 3 spaces away from me. I must have been staring for a bit because one of the guys, fairly thin with dark hair, wave to me and shouts hi. This causes the other guys to look at me. I feel so embarrassed; I toss the bag in the backseat and walk as fast as I can, almost sprinting, into the store. 

I catch my breath and clock in. Tracy sees me and looks confused. "What's up? You ran in here like a crazy person." I smile at her and try to act like I wasn't running away from my own humiliation. "Nothing. I just didn't want to clock in late." Tracy looks at the clock on the wall. "You're 5 minutes early." "Awesome" I give her a thumbs up and go to my section. I'm working men's and infants' again. I hear my name called to register 4 and Tracy has me count the till and start checking out customers. 

The line ends, and I go back to working the section. As I hang up swim trunks that have fallen on the ground, I hear familiar laughing coming from behind me. Please don't tell me it's them. I turn my head quickly and surely, it's them. Just as long as they don't see me and talk to me, it'll all be okay. I continue hanging up the swim trunks and hear their laughter is still distanced from me. I scoot myself and my rack over to the khaki and denim shorts next to the trunks and begin organizing them. In the middle of hanging up the shorts, someone taps my shoulder. 

"Excuse me?" I turn to see the same guy that yelled hi to me. He's really cute. I couldn't tell from so far away. His eyes were somewhat round and almost doe like but still sleek. His skin looked soft and squishy. And his lips were plump with the bottom lip being fuller than the top so he looked like he was pouting. Though he looked short in comparison to some of his friends, I had to tilt my head back a bit to meet his gaze. I finally respond, "How can I help you?" He smiled at me, and I almost melted. I don't think I'd ever seen a smile as pretty as his. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled to himself. "I...I forgot what I was going to ask, sorry." I couldn't help but smile back. "That's okay. If you remember, I'll be here. Well in this general area. Or I might be at that register." He chuckles, "Okay..." he looks down to my nametag, "Tess, I'll ask if I remember." He turns away and walks back to his friends still smiling. They're speaking quietly now, but I can tell they are teasing him. I continue hanging up the shorts and hear my name called by Tracy to go to my register. I stay at my register and check out customers until the line is gone. As I walk back to my section, the guy from earlier is now walking beside me. 

"I remember my question." He looks at me with a big smile, and I feel my ears burning but try to remain calm. "Okay, what's the question?" "Do you have any skating stuff here? Like boards, wheels, really anything." I think for a moment. "If we do, it would be over here." I motion to him to walk with me to the sporting goods section. A small section, but it's something. "If it's not here, then we don't have it." I scan the area with my eyes and see there is nothing there for skating, so I decide to suggest a skate shop to him. "There is a skate shop you can try. It's a 30 minute drive from here, but it's the closest one. They have everything. And it's affordable too. I get all my stuff from there." "You skate?" "Roller skate. I don't have enough balance for a skateboard." He smirks at me in a cute way and pulls out his phone. "What's the shop name?" "Clyde's Skate House on North 7th Street" The shop pops up on Google and he thanks me. He begins to walk away then turns back to me. "Would you, by any chance, want to maybe...go skating with us? I know there is a roller rink close by. I'm sure you go all the time." I'm not sure how to respond, this is the most I've really engaged with a customer, and the first time talking to a customer that was actually cute. And asking me on a date? Well his friends are there, so just a hang out? "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Sorry." "No, it's okay, I could definitely meet y'all at the rink. I could also bring a friend with me." His smile got so big I could see his gums now. "Could I get your number?" I hesitate. "Well, you could give me yours, and I'll shoot you a text when I get off?" "Okay!" I hand him a notepad in from my pocket and a pen and he writes his number along with some words and a doodle. I put the notepad back in my pocket without looking at it and he walks off with his friends. I see one of them swing their arm around him and squeeze him. 

I continue the work day and finally get off at 12:15AM. I see the guys in the parking lot laughing again and remember the number on the notepad. I left it inside. One of the only times I remember to leave my apron at the store, I had a cute guy's number in there. I debate with myself if I should go over there and ask him for it again, or if I should just get the number tomorrow. I did tell him I'd text him tonight...damn. What do I do?

Fortunately, I didn't have to worry for much longer because He started jogging towards me. He waves his arms at me. "Tess, hey!" I wave back to him. "Sorry I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that. Don't feel pressured to text me at all, okay?" I can't help but smile at him and laugh a little. "Why are you laughing?" "It's just cute. I actually wanted to ask you for your number again because I forgot the notepad inside." I had my bag on the passenger's seat, so I lean into the car and grab it my phone from it. "Here, put your number in." He types his number into my phone and saves it as 'Hannie'. "Your name is Hannie?" "It's Jisung. My full name is Han Jisung, but they call me Han or Hannie...but you can call me anytime." He says with a smirk that quickly changes to a cringing face. I left out a light belly chuckle and dial his number. His phone rings and he picks it up. "Han Jisung speaking, how may I help you?" I hang up. "Now you have my number, too. We can plan a time to meet." "I'd like that, have a goodnight, Tess. I'll talk to you soon, okay?" "I look forward to it, Hannie." He smiles and waves off as he slow walks backwards to his friends. "Get home safe."

I get into the car and the moment I turn it on, I'm stunned by Jon B playing on full blast. After a near heart attack, I drive off to my apartment. The whole ride home, I was smiling to myself. I don't usually get asked out. I'm pretty closed off and cold when speaking to new people. In high school, many guys in school told JJ they had a crush on me but were scared to talk to me because of how cold I came across. Am I really that distant, or are they just insecure? The world may never know. 

I shower and plop myself on my bed and see a text from him. 

Hannie : Hope you got home safe. We're on a late night McDonalds run, praying the ice cream machine isn't down. 

I feel myself smiling like an idiot at the text. 

Me : I'm home. I could devour a nug meal right now 🐔 🍟

Hannie : I'll bring it to you

Me : No 😂😂 I'm kidding. I'm not really hungry.

Hannie : If you change your mind, I'll bring you that nug meal 💯💯 ong

I find myself laughing to myself slightly surprised he sounds like this over text but also not surprised at all. 

Me : I'm off Thursday, maybe we can go skating then. 

Hannie : Are you free tomorrow?

Me : No 😔 I work. 

Hannie : Okay, Thursday it is!

Me : I'm going to sleep, talk to you later. 

Hannie : Goodnight, sweet dreams 💤😴

I know I told him I was going to sleep, but I'm not. I just wanted to watch Kurtis Connor videos without distraction. After watching his new video, I go through memes JJ sent and remember I left my bag of clothes in the car. I put on my slippers and quickly go out and grab it from the backseat. As I walk back into my apartment, I see two figures in the dark smoking. I assume it's my neighbors and just go inside. A bit strange to have a cigarette at 2AM, but to each their own. I rip the tag off the clothes and put them in the wash. I'll still be up by the time they're washed and dried. 

I watch more videos and start to think about Han. Should I text him? He thinks I'm asleep. What if he's asleep by now? No, I won't text him. I'll text him in the morning. Well, when I wake up. I put the clothes in the dryer and watch Only Murderers in the Building. 

Finally the clothes are done, I fold and put them away. I lay down and fall asleep to some random mukbang video. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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