Chapter 4: I Dare You to Love Me

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*Ding!* Astra looked at their phone and saw a text from Dean, it read: "Hey Astra, Can we talk? Meet Me At The Diner Down The Street. -Dean" Astra raised an eyebrow in confusion but got ready anyway, Astra arrived at their requested meeting place a few minutes later with their hands stuffed in the pockets of their jeans. "You wanted to talk?" Astra asked as they walked over to where Dean was sitting.

"Yeah," Dean said while looking down at the table.
"So...what's up?" Astra responded while sitting down.
"How about we get to the point?" Dean responded while turning to face Astra. This made Astra tilt their head slightly, "Alright, so what did we need to talk about?" Astra asked blinking their red eyes and looking at Dean.
Dean sighed and looked down, and then up at Astra and slowly began to speak, "I'm afraid I don't have a good way of explaining this to you, so...I guess I'll just tell you."
Astra waited with a confused expression, when Dean finally began to speak again, Dean let out a sigh, "Alright then, for your entire life, I've seen you look at boys as if they disgusted you, and I've seen you look at girls as if they disgusted you, but I've never seen you actually get close to anyone. Because I never felt like you were interested in me, I never felt like I could approach you. But right now, I feel like I should be honest with you."
Dean raised his hands up and took a breath, "I don't know if you'll like me for this or not, but I'm gay." Dean sighed again and opened his mouth to speak, when Astra placed a hand on Dean's shoulder, "That's perfectly fine! I accept you for who you are no matter gay, straight, or bi." Astra smiled, "You're welcome!"
"You mean that? You accept me for who I am even though I'm gay?" Dean said, and a small smile grew across Astra's face, "Of course, I could never hate a gay person! Hell, I'm not straight myself!" Astra smiled, Dean took Astra's hand into his own and sighed softly, "So the reason I wanted to talk with you is because...I want to go on a date with you."
Astra blushed softly and blinked, "Seriously? Are you trying to say you have feelings for me?" Astra asked still blushing softly.
Dean looked at Astra and rubbed the back of his neck, "Yes, Astra, I do have feelings for you."
Astra paused for a second, smiled softly and nodding, "Oh, cool! Well, I would love to go on a date with you!" Astra said happily.
Dean smiled, "Good!" Dean said as he got up, "Let's go and get our food!" Dean grabbed Astra's hand and began walking back to his car.
The two of them ate and talked for hours, before leaving around 2 AM.
Dean pulled up outside of the motel room and they walked in to find Sam still awake doing research, "Dean! Astra! where have you both been?" Sam asked, noticing Dean and Astra walk into the room.
"I'm gonna go take a quick shower" Astra said walking off, "So you did it huh? You finally asked Astra out?" Sam asked with a grin. "Yeah, they are better than I imagined." Dean said, It was obvious that Dean was even more love struck, Sam chuckles and sits back down.
Dean watched as Astra walks back in the room with their brown hair wet and messy, their hell hound ears perked up, and they're even wearing a black t-shirt that says "Silence Boy!" with a wolf on it, a pair of black shorts and their tail fluffy and wagging as they sat next to Dean. "Dang, they're cute." Dean thought to himself. "Oh hell."
Astra saw Dean staring at them and they smiled, letting their little fangs poke out from their top lip, Astra looked back at Dean and turned to face Dean, "I'm so glad I met you Dean." they said smiling happily
Dean grabbed Astra by the face and kissed them hard. Astra's face went red as their ears perked up and their tail wagged faster, Astra could have sworn that their heart even began to race. Astra kissed back and Dean chuckled, Astra couldn't help but smile.
After they stopped kissing, and Astra laid their head on Dean's shoulder.

The week seemed to fly by, and when the weekend came around, Dean decided to take Astra out for their second date, Astra and Dean made an agreement to go out on dates anytime they didn't have a case which was mostly during the weekends.
Dean took Astra to a restaurant and of course, Dean ordered a burger with extra bacon, Astra on the other hand ordered a steak. "Isn't it funny?" Astra asked, "That a hunter and a hell hound are dating, and they don't want to rip each other apart?" Astra chuckled and smiled, "Yeah it's kind of odd, I've never gotten close with someone like you until now. Normally we'd hunt things that take lives down but ever since we brought you over to our side you've been saving lives." Dean said smiling softly and so did Astra, "Oh my God, I still remember it like that." Astra chuckled softly.
They ate their food and talked for a long time, Dean paid, and they left.
Astra and Dean talked until it was around 12 PM, the two of them returned to the motel and did research together, Astra had to admit that Dean was so attractive when he's heavily focused, after they finished with their research Dean and Astra spent the afternoon watching movies and cuddling together, Dean held Astra in his arms eventually the two of them fell asleep holding each other, Sam eventually walked in and saw Dean and Astra asleep together. Sam just chuckled and pulled the blankets over them and stayed quiet so they could sleep, maybe, just maybe It was destiny that Astra and Dean were together.

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