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BABYDADDY DICK BE SO GOOD. Yume mumbled combing her fingers through Akeria's long-silky hair.

She had recently gotten a silk press earlier today which resulted In Yume playing In It the majority of the time.

Glancing up at her, Keke frowned her face up In disgust. "Not gone lie Meme, It's way too soon for you to be thinking about dick right now when you stayed up most of the night getting It."

"I'm sorry." She muttered, chucking afterwards. "Are the kids still sleeping though and why'd you come get In my bed?"

"Yes their still sleeping, and I don't know. I just wanted to come and talk to you because I missed my big sister oh so much." Keke smiled staring up at her causing Yume to hum.

"Whatchu want?"

Gasping, She placed her hand over her chest continuing to eye her phone trying her best not to look up at her sister.

She forgot Yume knew her like the back of her hand so faking an fake an act around her wasn't happening.

Not when she could see right through It.

"How dare my sister accuse me of wanting something from her just because I've missed her." She voiced In a sarcastic tone. "I'm so hurt right now I just can't."

"Keke, be fucking pharrell. You've been here for two days now so Ion wanna hear that."

"Okay fine, but I have a question..."


"Why don't you and Kentrell ever spend the night with each other? It's like y'all can be up under each other all day but once somebody gets sleepy, one of y'all fly home."

Yume shrugged sort of wondering the same. The thought just never ran cross either one of their minds, so It was never brought to their attention.

Maybe It was best that It stays that way though.

"I mean, neither of us has ever brought It up so really I don't know. It wouldn't be a problem, but then again I like being In my own bed so..." She hummed tilting her head.

"So since y'all are like sort of together you wouldn't consider moving In with him? Like, say If you were to get pregnant for instance?" You still wouldn't think about It?

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