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Taehyung's Pov:

I finally woke up from that stupid dream at 11:30 and got Up from the bed while yawning, rubbing my eyes.

I freshen up and made myself a Hot choclate. While scrolling my phone.
I saw that jiniiee hyung send me message.

3 messages from jiniee hyungiee ❤️
I click at hyung chat.

Jiniiee hyungiee ❤️

Morning bub.
At 10:12 am.

I know you will be late for breakfast. As you will take your time for sleep, so come at noon for lunch at 1. And also I have to talk to you about something.
At 10:12 am.

Come soon I'll be waiting bub.
At 10:12 am.

Tae bub ❤️

Okie hyungiee. I'll come at 1 soon.

At 12:06 pm.

I have to get ready now , but what hyung want to talk about. I let it aside for now.

After taking shower i came out the bathroom in my robe and dry my hair with dryer.

After drying my hair, i head towards the closet to choose a simple outfit.

After wearing clothes and shoes i drove off to hyung but before that i bought a bouquet of flowers for restaurant

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After wearing clothes and shoes i drove off to hyung but before that i bought a bouquet of flowers for restaurant.

I enter the restaurant with flowers, "excuse me,  can you call Jin hyung " i requested while replacing the yesterday's flower.

I sat near the window and waited for hyung to come. While looking outside my mind went towards yesterday scene, when i got bumped into him, stupid muscle bunny.

"Hey bub!" Called hyung while smiling.

"Hey hyungiee." I smiled back at him.

"Lunch will be here in 2 minutes"i nodded.

"Okay I want to talk to about modelling" i furrowed my brows.

"You, me and jiminie will shoot together" hyung continued while smiling.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes really ."

"Wow it'll be so much fun to work together. I'm ready." I said excitedly while clapping my hands.

"But for whom we are going to model."I asked.

"It's fo-" " sorry for disturbance but here's your food" said waiter.

"It's okay maira." Said hyung while serving me.

"Thank you" i said politely to the waiter who nodded and take her leave.

We started eating," So, for whom we're going to be model?." I asked again while chewing my food.

"It's for JEON BRAND." Said hyung casually. I looked up at him and looked at him confusedly.

"You mean bu- jungkook's company?" I mentally slapped for spilling word.

He smirked, " yes, for your BUN company." Said hyung

"He's is not mine" i pouted. " Yet bub, soon he'll be yours" said hyung.

" How?, You know that he rejected me once"

"Come on tae he didn't even know that you were going to propose him and he even didn't know that he once rejected you , heck that he even didn't know that the letter you were giving him was a love letter. He don't know even single thing related to that day or about this your whole damn love from childhood. You know that very clearly." Said hyung while i pouted more.

" So what, atleast he can take that letter as a payment bill. And moreover he distant himself from me you know how hurt i was " i said and he just sighed.

" Anyways, what your answer?" Said hyung. After a minute.

"You already know hyung" i pouted.

" I know bub you can never say no to him or hyungs." he said and i just nodded looking down.

" Okay eat your lunch I'll tell joonie about it" i nodded, as i nodded.

"Stupid muscle bunny, dumb bunny, " i cursed him mentally.

Author's Pov:

"He said yes" said Joon hyung while entering my office cabin.

I furrowed my brows and asked,"who and for what?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes and said " tae for modelling for our new outfits" .

"Really?" He nodded.

"Wow, i thought it'll take atleast 3-4  Days to convenience him. But I'm impressed." I said. He rolled his eyes again.

"Oh ! Come on kook, out of all people YOU should know that he's not like that, he'll never say no to us."he said as i nodded.

Yes, i know he'll never say no to us, specially to me, i thought he changed, i thought he'll said no because of our distance.but he's the same.
I slightly smile to myself.

"Okay tell them to come on Thursday at 10am for signing contract" i said as he nodded.

" Also, yoongi said to remind you for Saturday meeting" i nodded and he take his leave.

" Ahh ! I have to go to warehouse its been a week i didn't check on warehouse, i should check".i mumbled. As i checked my watch and it's 2:45pm.

I dail the no. of the secretary desk, and in a second she picked up the call, is she waiting for my call?, I thought but then shrugged off,"ye-".

"Is there any meeting left for today?" before she can say anything i spoke up.

"No sir, you are free for today"

"Okay, also is there any meeting on Thursday and Saturday?" I asked. "Let me check sir." She said and i waited patiently.

"There is a meeting about model's select-"i cut her off . "Cancel that meeting, there is no need for that now."

"Huh? Sir bu-"

"We already selected models so there is no need of meeting, is there any other meetings? "

"No sir"

"Okay"and i cut the call.  And leave for the warehouse.


I hope you like it...😅


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