Still dunno what to name this part

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( Creators note : Hey guys sorry for not posting borill parts for a while now im really sorry, I have school on monday and tuesday, only for two days but then there will be homework so i cant be working on parts for abit )

Ships you may not like
boy x boy
Stranger things
The Goldflinch
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Homophobic Mike

You have been warned.

Boris x Will/Borill
A little bit of Mileven will be shown
no other ships ig-

Still dunno what to name this part

" Mike? are you inside your room? " Will asks as he knocks on the door and hear faint footsteps walking towards the door as the door opens, it was Mike who opened the door " Hey Will whats wrong? " Mike asks " Oh i just wanted to say theres some pancakes and food downstairs if you want, Boris made them! " Will says as Mike says 'Ok' then Will walks away

Mikes mind
Its all about that russian freak.

He never talks to me anymore..

He keeps talking to that fvcking russian a$$hole.

Ugh... your not gay Mike. you dont have feelings for him.

Gays or whatevers are fvcking disgusting. plus your dating his sister.

Back in reality

" Wait.. did Will say something about pancakes? i want some- " Mike says quietly as he runs downstairs for some pancakes " Are there anymore pancakes? " Mike asks " Yea just grab some " Boris replies


Word count :

( Creators note : Hello sorry if this was short i apologize, I dont have much to say but ily guys( Not in a sexual way- ) and i hope you guys have a great day )

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