Chapter IV.

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I doze off while looking at Tanjiro's face, which was a mistake. When he looked in my direction, and he saw me looking at him, he blushed even harder keeping eye contact with me. I quickly looked away. Great, now he probably thinks I also like him.

Maybe the mission will be worse than I had expected...


And it is. Right now I'm walking with Sanemi, Giyuu, and Tanjiro in a big silence. They all are just quiet not saying anything, making it awkward. Giyuu was his usual self, I mean he never talks. Sanemi was awfully quiet today too. And last but not least Tanjiro. He kind of keeps stealing glances at me making it even more awkward.

"Sooo, Guys. How are y'all doing?" I asked nervously trying to start a small talk. Nobody replied. It was only quiet. 'all right then' I thought to myself while taking a deep sigh.

We were all quiet till we were in front of the village, which took four hours to walk there. It was awkward.

"Okay, let's explore the village for a bit till it's night. I will go with Sanemi and Tanjiro will go with M/N. In an hour we will meet back here. Or else." Guys said looking at us. Giving me no time to protest, Giyuu and Sanemi were already gone. Oh no, now I'm alone with this guy.

"so, I guess we shall go?" said Tanjiro nervously, pointing to the village. I put on a friendly smile and nodded, following Tanjiro.

"so, since it took us four hours to get here, I think we deserve some kind of food. What do you think? On me." Tanjiro said with a small smile. Of course, I could never refuse free food, so I said yes.

"would love to!" I replied looking around the village for some food court. When I looked back at Tanjiro, I saw that he had a big grin on his face while looking at me. When he saw me looking, he immediately looked away. 'actually, that's kinda cute... No! It's not. I don't think he would look at me the same if I told him I was fucking the guy that had murdered thousands! Be ashamed of yourself.' I thought to myself.

In no time some food court came into my sight. I sighed in relief. 'finally! I didn't eat in daysssss' I thought looking at all the yummy food in there.

I was about to go when suddenly Tanjiro held my arm. "wait here! I'm gonna go get it for you!" Tanjiro said grinning once again. 'such a cute guy. How could I refuse?' I thought to myself. "that would be nice of you, Tanjiro!" I said with a big smile. In no other words, Tanjiro was already at the food court in seconds. I smiled to myself thinking about how cute he is.

I stood in the middle of the street, waiting for Tanjiro. When I finally saw that he had two ramen in his hand. I was about to walk up to him when suddenly someone screamed from behind me. "Run!" when I looked at Tanjiro I saw that his smile dropped, with the two bowls of ramen. He looked terrified. When I looked behind me, I saw something I didn't expect.

A train.

It was coming right towards me. How did the train even get here, you may ask? Well, the train somehow got out off the tracks, going into the city. Somehow the train was still going without tracks, it was like somebody was controlling it.

With no time to get out of the way, I prepared for the worst. But before I could, someone grabbed me, basically holding me bridal style, and got me out of the way. Both of us landed safely on the ground with the person on top of me.

I smelled that strong scent. I quickly opened my eyes, half expecting Muzan, but when I did, I only saw Tanjiro on top of me. He looked panicked. "oh my God! Are you okay M/N?! Did I hurt you? Did you get hurt?" Tanjiro said as he pulled me by my waist off of the ground while putting me on top of him. In short, I was sitting on Tanjiro's lap.

Tanjiro pulled me really close to him and examined my face looking for any injuries. I was starting to blush a little.

"Don't worry Tanjiro, I'm fine, thanks to you.." I said a little nervously. When Tanjiro looked me in the eyes, he immediately pulled away. "oh my God I'm so sorry! I didn't realize how close our faces were.." Tanjiro said scratching his neck. "it's alright, you were just concerned for me.." I said still nervous.

Reality slapped me hard when I smelled that scent again. I looked around seeing basically everything destroyed by the train. Fire, people crying, dead people, blood everywhere, just disaster. When I looked back at Tanjiro, he had a weird look on his face. Then it suddenly hit me. He also has a super smell like me from what I heard, so he can also smell it.

"We should go find Giyuu and Sanemi," I said standing up and putting my hand out for Tanjiro. Tanjiro took my hand with a nod, and we headed towards the entrance.


My first chapters are full of Grammer mistakes and little more than cringe things, but I don't wanna change it cuz of y'all's iconic comments, so I will be keeping the way it is atm. I decided to come back to writing on Wattpad since.. why not. Ao3 completely changed me, so I hope I will produce better chapters for y'all. Thanks for the support guys, made me motivated to continue this cringe shit.

Btw, some of y'all are foullll.


Also, added a bit of Tanjiro x M/N, do y'all like it? Well, you better do, 'cause there will be more.

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