Scary But Fantastic M

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Warning: this chapter is mature and most of this book is so...





It all started in a plane of all places, personally I'm terrified if planes they are like metallic birds that make so much noise and can't even take wind. That's what makes a planetrip terrifying, the trubulems.

I'm now boarding a plane, woo so fun, note of sarcasm. I'm coming from a vacation with some out-of-the-contry friends in Italy and am on my way to England. Oh yes

I'm from England (born and bred) I'm a redhead with blue eyes, and I'm as stubborn as a goat and have a temper as a mare.

I'm in economy and find my seat at the window row 25. I see someone sitting at the seat in the middle and it's a male around 40 married staring at my boobs. Ugh annoying.

"I'm sitting at the window" I say with my british clear in my voice

It looks like that got him out of his faze and he looked me in the eyes with a seductive smirk on his face

"Yes" his raspy voice said standing up

I sit and emidiatly put my seat belt on tight as handcuffs and played some music on my black headset.

I felt the man move besides me but I kept my eyes on the window after half an hour I felt a hand on my clenched knuckle,  I ignored him not wanting to deal with him right now, but odly his touch felt comforting and calming.

I kept my eyes on the clouds that flew by. And then the turbulence came and I shut my eyes, clenched my jaw and if possible tightend my fist even more. I could fell the hand move from my knuckle up to my shoulders and into my hair. The hand took out my tight pony tail and ruffled it up a bit.

The body moved closer to me and the hand pushed my head onto his shoulder.

"Sh its just some turbulence its soon going to be over, kitten" comforted the voice but it wasn't like the raspy voice of the married male, this voice was clean and sharp but also smooth and cute.

I open my eye and have a confused look on my face as I move my head from his shoulder to look at him.

When I finally look into his eyes it like sparks light up all around us, his hazel eyes look into my blue one. He has black almost blue hair and is like a Italian tan, he has on an all black outfit consisting of a black dress shirt and dress pants.

I look probably even more confused now because he looks like he has money why be in economy.

He frowns "whats in your mind kitty" wow that Italian accent is strong

I get slightly mad at his nickname for me but try not to be rude

"Well one, my name is Emily and two, not to be rude but is this even your seat"

He looks deep into my eyes and says "hi Kitten I'm Leo, nice to meet you and no but now it is"

I look down and mutter "not nice to meet you" and look up at him to see him smirking and chuckling under his breath. I look confused at him and say "what do you mean by, no but now it is"

Leo strokes my head "because i wouldn't pass on sitting by a gorgeous woman like you."

I can feel myself blushing at his comment, but ignored it.

"Im happy it is you not that married pervert after he kept starring at my boobs " He wraps his hand around me protectfully and growls before standing up and walking away

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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