Paris (day 4)

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It was midsummer in Paris. My sister Hannah and I had been on the constant move. Our trip was planned to last 12 days in Europe. We were on our fourth day in Paris. It was our last day in our Hostel. Hannah was in the process of getting us another place to sleep tonight. She was communicating with my sister's friend, Arthus. Arthus lived in Paris and we hadn't seen him yet. He was an exchange student at Lago Vista. My other sister Esther became friends with the exchange students during her junior year of high school.

At the moment Esther was traveling around Europe too with her other exchange friend, Jerry.

Hannah and I decided to go eat food at a small café that we found the day before. I enjoyed devouring chocolate chip croissant and cappuccinos.

Hannah started to text Arthus. Arthus invited us to come stay the night at his apartment. We accepted. He shared the address. We started walking toward his place. Arthus was free and had no responsibilities. When we got there we were let in by him. It was really good to see him. He lived on the top level; we had to climb a spiral staircase. I felt like I was in a movie. His apartment was a one room apartment with an open floor plan and a closet bathroom. I really liked his apartment.

We sat our stuff down and walked out. He took us around the Seine River, Tuileries Park and near the American Embassy. Hannah, Arthus and I played Smash or Pass.

I watched as Arthus rolled up the marijuana  and take a swig of it as we walked. He was great company. We decided we wanted to eat, I wanted a location where we could people watch and just a nice place for pictures. We ended up across from the train station; it was a nice area. We all got different things to eat, I got a cheesy bread with salad. Hannah got a salad. Arthus got some type of specialty meat with tuna and salad. I went to the bathroom, the bathroom was down a flight of stair into a basement bathroom. It looked ultra wealthy. I take a few mirror selfies and I think to myself; what more could I ask for? I told Arthus I wanted to pay for the meal because I hadn't spent much money and I desired to at least get my way and eating at a beautiful luncheon place. Plus, Arthus was letting Hannah and I stay at his place for the night.

After lunch Arthus took us on a walk up these stairs where only the residents would know where to go, it felt like a hidden garden. There was an area of an outside gym. It was like a straight path over looking the street. All the buildings were old vintage just as movies perceived them as. We walking a long while talking about the gangsters in Paris and the different political groups and what group he was apart of. I like Arthus. He was reserved in some areas of his life and a quiet persona about him even though he was the life of the party in my eyes.

We walk to the train station, as we walk I see in a mirror of my figure. My stomach is so bloated from the food that I just ate. We quickly walk down flights of stairs into the station, we get off and go to another train. Arthus knew exactly where to go; it was impressive. We get to the train station in record time for Esther and Jerry. Hannah sees Jerry first because he is a tall guy cowering over the crowd. I was really good to see Esther. I had missed her. I love reuniting pop with family.

We head back to Arthus' apartment and get ready to get out to an open restaurant. We sit down and buy a bottle of champagne a shot of gin tonic for Hannah and a tropical blue beverage for me. Half way through dinner Arthus friends came, they were all French. Lucas looked like Cameron Smith but with brown curly hair. He had a friend named Paul and Esther called dibs on him before the night started. He was attractive. They spoke French to each other; it made them 10 times hotter. My sisters and I wanted to be included. I was quiet, trying to observe the situation. I had to change my outfit because they told me my outfit made me look like I was going to the gym and not the club. We went back to the apartment so that I could change. I changed into my white lace skirt which I had to roll up because it was sliding down my waist. We go to a convenient store and the boys buy champagne. We all take a swig of it. I was the last one too. We were close to the entrance of the club. The boys started to discuss between themselves; what is a good ratio is between the seven guys and the three girls. All of us had no problem getting in. The club is dark when we enter. It looked like a basement with a bar to the side. We were there relatively later possibly 12 or so. My sisters and I head straight to the dance floor with the guys at our heels. The music are all French songs. They have good taste in beats. The night was a blur. An hour into the club I was dancing with a guy and he goes in for a kiss. I deny it by having him miss my lips and hit my cheek instead; at the time I am uncomfortable being in the club with a stranger. At the time the stranger would have had to break the intimate space of reachable kissing distance to kiss me. The Barcelona music appeal more to the tourists of the area than the French way.

Me and my sisters would go to the bathroom every once and a while just to take a break from interacting. At one point Arthus and Paul were with me, they were a total blast, so lively and fun. They went to a room just to smoke. The room was smelly and musty from the vapor. I like Arthus; I didn't see at first because we are friends. I enjoyed joking with him. I like his friend Paul who was with us, I do not realize that Esther had said dibs because we could have started making out right there in front of Arthus. I wonder what he would have thought if we had done that. I was to focused on trying to find a make out session preferably someone more random than the two boys in front of me. I didn't want to ruin our friendships between my sister's best friend. I found my sisters in the bathroom.

We walk from outside the bathroom and go sit on the countertop looking over the dance floor. There is a photograph who stops us and shoots a picture of my sisters, me and some random boys who were there at the time. We go back to what we were doing which was looking at the bar or the dance floor wondering what I am waiting for. From out of the blue, a guy from the bar comes up too me and starts making out with me, what a crazy experience. It felt to me like I was apart of a dare. I was taken aback from it all and naturally okay with it. He wanted to play, let's play. After a few more I decided French was the way. How coincidental, me French kissing a Spaniard in France who hated it. There was a flash of light, I didn't care who had taken my photo. I was to focused on the moment. I didn't stop him because he was assertive and it happened so quickly. I wonder how long he was watching me. I thinking in my head, why me? Turns out later when I saw the pictures on the internet that he was right beside me the whole time and I had no idea. It felt weird, one photo I was with my sister smiling and the next photo looked like I just turned around and started making out. I barely got his name which was Alex. The photographer caught us of course, we put on a good show. My sisters also caught us which they hold over my head in our sister group chat. I am proud of it, nice form. He was touchy trying to get under my skirt. Typical boy, he groped my boob that was it for me, the disrespect. It hurt. After the fact, I enjoyed the aggressive grab. He was a soft smash in the dark. Thinking back to it I wanted him to keep me engaged.

We stop and talk talking to these sweet girls who were total baddies. We all went out on the floor, it was a blast dancing with each other. Another instance during the night, that was unexpected was when I was casually dancing with a short king when out of the blue he pulled me over his knee and kissed me. I had my eyes open looking at Arthus. I am curious what he thought in that moment because the kid who laid me out looked way to young for me like under age. I hope Arthus wanted a kiss too. Unfortunately, giving him a kiss that night wouldn't have meant anything.

We danced till day break. We were invited out to Paul's place. It was a cute and very in closed space. The kitchen was the size of half my bathroom. The boys pulled down the ladder to get to the roof. Paul helped us get to the top and he was the last to go up. I stayed down there a little longer with him than necessary. I liked him. I wanted a kiss from him. I truly thought about kissing him there in his kitchen before we went up on the roof. My mind now plays tricks on me and thinks I kissed him when I didn't. I never moved to initiate. It was a large step from the ladder to the roof. When I got up there it felt like I was in Mary Poppin's rooftop scene. It was truly amazing. The sky was so stunning, I can't even describe how to feel. The sky was pink and the sunrise was coming up from another world. I just wanted to soak in the moments because my life is fleeting and still beautiful. I wanted to live in the time. I wanted to stay there forever but time goes by. It was time for us to leave. I was tired and decided to curled up on the ground outside the apartment while everyone was 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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