The First Day

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I jolted my head up in annoyance, trying to aim my limp hand for the alarm clock that was beeping like it was having a heart attack. After I finally got the damn thing to turn off, I got up off my bed, only to fall on my warm soft floor. You know how you get out of bed, then you just feel dizzy and fall? Yeah. That just happened to me.

I got up again and rubbed my head, but it didn't hurt. It just felt natural. I headed towards my closet, and grabbed my Attack on Titan shirt, along with a pair of black jeans. Yeah that's right. I'm a anime freak. Since I was wearing my AoT gear today, so I thought I could pull off a nerdy look. I went back to my cabinet and grabbed my Scout Regiment beanie, along with some black rimmed glasses. After that, I went to my bathroom and grabbed some of my hair gel. I started to swish it through my raven black hair, giving it a somewhat spiky style to it. To finish my outfit, I put on my my white fabric eyepatch to cover my eye. To cover my scar.

Since you don't know this, I might as well tell you. When I was born, my eyes were two different colors: one was the color of a deep blue ocean, and the other was a luscious green, almost like an emerald. The doctors said it was a medical condition, so I didn't think much of it. When my parents, or just my mom saw me, her eyes glimmered with so much excitement and joy. My father on the other hand never wanted me to be born and when he saw me, he just turned his head away.

When I started my first year of Pre-School, no one made fun of me for my eye, and I was so happy. That was, until I started Elementary school. I was in 5th grade when it all began.

"What's wrong with your eye?" a girl once said to me. "it's ugly"

This was the only comment someone ever made that year, so I just brushed if off.

When I first started Middle School in 7th grade, things started to change.

"Ew your eyes are gross!"

"Get some contacts!"

"That's disgusting!"

"Ew! Get away creep!"

They said more, but I just named a few.
In 11th grade, it was so bad that I had to transfer to a different school.

"Hey mom? can I get contacts?" I once asked her.

She always replied in her lovely tone "No dear. I love your eyes. Just get a eyepatch."

I sighed and groaned with a "fiiine"

In that same year, I got my eyepatch and wore it ever since. Oh yeah and one more thing I forgot to mention: when u was 12, my dad got a knife and sliced it up to my chin to my forehead out of pure hatrid because he despised me that much. the scar has been there ever since.

After I left my old school, I transferred to Toraka High School, and today was the first day of class. I hope no one will make fun of me again. I just can't go through the pain again.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I ran downstairs, waved to my mom, and left the house. I lived very close to the school, so I could just walk there.

The school was finally in sight, and all I can say is that it was huge! I started approaching the metal doors of the school. I took a deep breath then walked in. Well, today was the first day of prison. The first day of Hell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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