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" we about to go viral. "

Kitty × Kay

Taylor, better known as kitty or Chinesekitty stood outside Kay's house holding their one year old son in her soft hands. She'd lay a kiss upon her son's cheek as Kay opened the door with open hands, removing Kyrie their son from her hands.
"What's up little man?" He questioned Kyrie, receiving a scoff from Taylor she made her way back to her car being able to feel Kay's eyes on her.

The two had broken up before the birth of their son, Kay's lifestyle interfering with Taylor's it was best to go their own ways, it was hard for her to cope with the constant lying and cheating and his illegal ass lifestyle that she didn't even like having their baby boy around. She went through so much mental abuse while pregnant, it strained her badly. Did she blame everything on Kay?, no they where young a dumb at the time and even she didn't know what she wanted. All she knew is when those two lines popped up on that pregnancy test her and Kay would have to step up to the plate.

"come get him tomorrow" Kay yelled, winking at Taylor once she turned around to look at him causing her to laugh. It's been three years, Kay refused to stop flirting with his one and only baby momma, he might as well. The two both knew there was no way they'd leave each other alone.

"I'll come get him when I feel like it, spend time with your son" she spoke goofily, before getting into her car pulling her seatbelt over her chest buckling herself in before exiting his driveway on her way to work.


"There you go big man, it's good?" Kay spoke feeding Kyrie his apple sauce that he usually wouldn't eat, he'd look down at his son more like a image of him as he ate his food. "aye, neph neph" Blovee ran into the kitchen loudly, startling the baby causing him to cry. Kay would mug B rudely, taking the time to sooth his child down rubbing his back in small circles. "aye, that's his momma side, allat crying" Dougie joked, holding his hands out for his nephew, his silent offer soon being declining by Kay who didn't want to put his baby down.

"shut up, lil man tough. it just be Qwayshawn ass that be pissing luh nigga off" Kay ranted, calming kyrie down giving the baby dab. "Qway ain't do shit, what's the move fo' today though?" Blovee spoke, defending himself as he leaned against the countertop eating a apple watching as Kay placed Kyrie in his play pin. "what you mean what's the move, I gotta watch my son." Kay stressed to Blovee, the slow one of the group causing Dougie to laugh goofily.

"aye luh man, you tryna go out with Unc and get some bitches?.. see, he do that's my dawg" Dougie smiled proudly giving Kyrie a high-five before a empty bottle was throw upside his head causing him to groan. "damn, what the hell" he turned back to Kay sticking up his middle finger up. "ayoooo, let me take luh Flocka" Blovee spoke picking Kyrie up. "Tay ass finna kill me" Kay spoke, knowing how Taylor felt about the language used around their son when he was over there. The two brothers of Kay's didn't know how to keep their mouths filtered around children, shit anyone.

"man, fuck her" Dougie rolled his eyes taking Kyrie out B hands kissing his nephews forehead noticing the large smirk appearing across Kay's face. "i am." he would smirk, playfully snatching Kyrie out Dougie's hands causing the baby to laugh as he walked up to his room to lay his baby boy down.


"fuck yo momma at?" Kay huffed, holding his son up propping the baby up on his leg as he sat in his studio he shook his head calling Taylor's phone one last time before tossing her phone. His patience running low with the female, overthinking what she could be doing at the time. His phone would chime snapping him out this thoughts. He'd pick it up noticing a text from Taylor.

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