Eddie Munson x reader

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Creeping into the trailer park, I looked around at the dimly lit area. Then I saw it, the van that I had been informed about. A large van that was parked outside one of the trailers. The curtains were drawn closed and a light shone from inside the trailer.

I approached the home and knocked on the door. A man with long curly hair emerged. He was dressed in a loose black top with baggy, ripped jeans that were also black. "Uh? Can I help you?" He quizzed. "Are you...Eddie". My voice was quite and cautious. "The one and only. What can I do for you?" He spoke as he placed his hand on my back and led me inside.

"You here for fun, drugs, a different type of fun? What?" He spoke quickly as he stood in front of me. "Drugs" I muttered. He nodded and began listing a bunch of different types which was overwhelming. "I..." I began before he realised that I had no clue what he was talking about.

"What you after? Something stronger? Weaker? Something to forget? Just to pass the time? To cope?" He rambled. "Uh...cope, I suppose" he nodded and began to walk to a different room after telling me to stay where I was.

He came back with a joint and a bag in his hand. "First joint's on me" he spoke as I handed him the money. Eddie lit the joint and handed it me after taking a puff. I inhaled the strongly scented fumes and felt a wave of bliss wash over me. Eddie laughed at my clearly shocked face before taking it back and taking another puff.

We continued sharing it until it was gone. By this point I was practically unaware of what I was doing. Eddie's arm was draped over my shoulder as I was resting on him, feeling extremely tired. "So, you wanna talk about why you had to come to me?" He questioned, looking down at me. His deep brown eyes making contact with my (y/e/c) ones. I shook my head before attempting to move closer into Eddie, his warmth bringing me comfort.

Eddie chuckled before lifting me up and placing me on his lap. We were now facing eachother and I realised how pretty this man was. "You're really pretty" I spoke. Eddie laughed "you too". I placed my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his back. He did the same and we cuddled for a few minutes before I lifted my head and looked deeply into his eyes. "I never got your name" he spoke quietly. "(Y/n)" I responded.

"Well, (y/n), I have an overwhelming urge to kiss you right now and I don't know how long I'll be able to go before I give in to that urge" he chuckled. I leaned in and connected our lips for a second. "No need to wait" I whispered into his ear.

After an hour, we were lying on the floor in tears with laughter over some stupid joke Eddie had told. Eddie jumped to his feet, scaring me and began to yell. "I, EDDIE THE GREAT, APPEAR TO HAVE FOUND MYSELF A MAIDEN IN DISTRESS! DO NOT WORRY MISS" he picked me up from the floor "I SHALL RETURN YOU TO SAFETY UNSCATHED!" I gripped tightly to his neck as he pretended to fight villains.

A high pitched scream escaped his mouth "MY GREATEST FEAR! A DRAGON HERE TO STEAL MY DEAREST (Y/N) FROM ME! HOWEVER SHALL I LIVE ON" and with that, he dropped to the floor with me landing on top of him. "Even after all of this" he spoke in a weak voice "my maiden stayed with me. I'm sorry, my love, I can't live on" he pretended to die and I burst into fake tears. Dramatic sobs echoing around the room as the scene played out.

It didn't take long for us to begin laughing once again. "Hey, want to see something" he spoke, sitting up, forcing me to move and sit up beside him. Before I could respond, Eddie had grabbed my hand, dragged me to my feet and was pulling me towards what I assumed was his bedroom. "Eddie, if you're about to show me your dick, warn me right now" I joked. "Tempting but no" as we entered the room, the first thing I saw was an electric guitar hanging up on the wall. "This, (y/n), is the love of my life. Let me play you something" he became excited and grabbed the guitar, pulling it over his head.

I sat on Eddie's bed as he began to play a song. He seemed fully focused and it was clear that guitar is a passion of his. As I watched him play, I felt myself falling in love with this hyper metalhead. I quickly stood up and walked over to Eddie. He stopped playing as he noticed me and I pressed my lips to his. The kiss was longer and had more passion than the one we shared earlier.

A/n: I was extremely bored and so I wrote this. I refuse to proof read my work so it probably sucks but its whatever

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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